Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Today I am sharing an column that will be published next month.

Inventing Your Life



Rob Claudio

Although many of us can be very good at calculating how we want things to manifest in our lives as we grow older, life has a funny way of derailing us at times when our best laid plans sometimes end up being just that.  I am sure that many of us can offer our own best advice to others as to how we would handle a problem or issue differently, now that we have the experience behind us.  I think of the movie Groundhog Day and how Bill Murray got the chance to do things differently every morning that he kept waking up on the same day, yet, he persisted on committing some of the same errors day-in and day-out without correcting some of his ways.  I know that we would be baffled if we had our own Groundhog Day to deal with, however, I would also hope that we would make better decisions when presented with circumstances that we had seen previously.  Remember that our life experiences can prove to be our best ammunition at handling any particular situation.  Whether it is a person or a circumstance that just stumps you with what to do next, one of the best ways to deal with that is first and foremost to change your own perspective.  This usually ends up meaning that we are the ones that ultimately have to change and not the other way around.  I know that it is ironic to think this way, since we don’t usually think of ourselves as the one with the problem or issue.  Remember that perspective and having a different view, can change the entire dynamics of anything in a heart-beat.  Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where you believe that you have exhausted all possibilities and see no immediate relief in sight.  Well think about the fact that as each day passes, if there is no hope that accompanies that situation, it can ultimately leave you feeling as if you are sinking and not moving forward.  Hope is so important because it can provide you with the strength you need to carry on and it also helps you with vision towards the day when things can actually change for the better.  I know that many of us can think of someone we know or have come across where we could see that hope was not evident in their view of things and that particular look on someone’s face can make a lasting impression on anyone.  In my own experience, I have learned that those who are closest to us tend to not take any advice from us, because of the proximity of our relationship which adds to the issue.  I can remember when I gave some repeated words of advice to a family member and it would go in one ear and out the other.  Fast forward to many years later and I come to find out that they listened to those same words that came from someone else, that was not related or particularly close to them.  Ultimately, they also gave credit for their resolution to that other individual and you then wonder about the selective memory that they now have.  Does this sound familiar?  I know it is one of those interesting moments that we all experience at some point in our lives.  Hence our best work is usually accomplished through our impact with others and interestingly not directly in our own immediate families or inner circle.  In fact, your view of things can be altered, unclear or even unknown at any given time.  What matters is that you do not give up on what you want to see as the ultimate result in your life.  One must keep reaching for their goals and it is also important to keep dreaming, as life would be quite boring without either.  Although we may not be quite sure of when things can take a turn for the better, it is very important to remember that at some point they will and it can happen as quickly as changing your mind and viewpoint.  The combination of hope plus goals and dreams, can provide for the right perspective of things to come, as long as you realize that it can only occur with your permission.          

“There are things I can't force. I must adjust. There are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint.”

-Denis Diderot

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Clearing Ahead

Another winter storm just passed and although, our weather in California is nothing like the extreme conditions in other parts of the country or the rest of the world, I always appreciate the feeling a brand new day when the sun comes out after it passes by.  I love the effect of having a storm wash away all the dust and dirt on the surface of the ground, to a clean new refreshed platform that will allow you to begin the day anew.  I think we have all seen signs about how there is always a silver lining after a storm, however, nothing like being a first hand witness when this occurs.  Personally, I know that the rains will create a wonderful landscape in the days ahead, by playing a huge part in how our spring flowers and new growth will be displayed for our eyes to feast on.  Just this past week, there were marvelous pictures coming out of Death Valley, where nature enthusiasts were flocking to see a colorful burst of wild flowers blooming where typically nothing usually does.  Having looked at that picture earlier reminded me that even when someone has labeled a place that begins with the word "death",  it is not defined by such a word and can hold beauty for many people and our God who created it.  A tired old piece of land that may be withering away in the middle of nowhere can instantly turn a corner and show the world that the soil beneath it is full of life and was just waiting to be awakened.  I personally think about us as human beings that may be having our own issues which can be of a personal nature and sometimes they become so overwhelming that we forget that things can change with the dawning of a new day.  Whether it was a light rain or a vast storm that was filled with thunder and lightning, they all pass through and leave refreshing hope alive.  It is interesting to note that people can be helpful in trying to make you change your demeanor, especially when one is feeling low, as they simply have your best interest in mind. However, our own human nature can be our own worst enemy in being adamant about solving a problem ourselves and not letting others help.  Sometimes we become so overwhelmed that we forget to listen to the words of wisdom that may be coming our way.  Remember that a strong storm will be able to capture our attention for enough time that it can shift our view of things and help us forget about something temporarily, which can be a great reminder about our own personal circumstances.  When we finally realize that there is something much greater than us and we are simply in the midst of a journey, we should be able to find some peace about those dilemmas that can take our attention and joy away.  Remember that nothing is forever and especially if you are going through any type of difficulty, look for the clearing that is coming ahead.