Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Game Changer

Sharing a column that will be published next month. 

Inventing Your Life

“Game Changer”


Rob Claudio

When you watch a competitive game either in person or via television, there is a lot of excitement associated with the unknown outcome once the clock runs out.  We all like to root for our favorite players or teams and our loyalty to them is sometimes based upon a formula that is hard to explain.   Why I became a supporter of a team for instance, was based upon my inner circle of friends and family who also cheered them on with passionate accord, without a lot of explanation as to why.  From a very young age, I can just remember that if you did not support a particular team, then you were not part of the family or group of friends.  Our loyalty was challenged from a very young age and it instilled in us this sense of pride if they won or we felt disheartened when they lost.  I love the fact that in every type of sporting event, there is also a moment that can completely change the momentum of the game and can cause what would have been a potential loss, to become a winning result in the end.  The sportscasters of the world will replay that moment over and over again, while they spend a good amount of time discussing that pivotal instance that was deemed as the game changer.  In life, we too have moments that change our momentum and sometimes they can have both positive and negative effects that come with them.  How we deal with those instances is what defines us as we learn through our circumstance that we are capable of rising above a challenge, in order to grow from it and also be able to help others overcome a similar situation.  It is important for us to remember that a potential setback changing moment can enable us to reach for even higher lengths and we can all remember a period of time where we thought we would never be able to get past it, yet we all have.  Our game changing moments are like large dots on a map, which can show us where we were and also provide a history of the road we have traveled.  As we get older, looking back at the amount and the sizes of those large dots makes one realize how privileged we are in the many years that we have been alive to be able to retrace them.  Sometimes just remembering a particular challenging time, can cause us to wonder out loud how we survived that period.  The next time you look at the highlights of game that was played, think about the highlights in your own life.  Many of us fail to give ourselves credit for the things that we have achieved and what I find in my older seasoned years of living, is that I would like to think that my mom and grandmother who were the largest influences in my life would be proud of how I turned out.  As a direct byproduct of what they helped nurture during their lives, I am forever grateful for all that they did for me.  As most of us were cared for and led by instrumental parents, mentors or teachers in our lives, we owe all of our success to those that came before us.  For it is because of those pivotal people that lit the way when we faced darkness in our journey, that we were able to arrive at the place where we needed to be.  It is my hope that you can recall many great game changing moments that caused you to do better and be better as a result.  Remember that the game is not over until the clock stops and until that occurs, you still have the possibility of making a great play that will forever define you as a human being.  After all, it is the memories of those highlight reels which will be left behind as part of your legacy, long after the lights have been turned off.

“The game of life has two participants, spectators and players.  Pick one.”
-Author unknown