Thursday, May 25, 2017

High Standards

Today I am sharing a column that will be published next month. 

Inventing Your Life

“High Standards”


Rob Claudio

As I watched an old rerun on television last week, it had a sketch comedy bit about how lowering your standards could make you feel happier. First I laughed out loud to myself about the silliness related to that message, as it portrayed the achievement of happiness and contentment by getting rid of what you hold in high regard.  As I continued to chuckle through the rest of the performance, I began to think about how our lives could change if we were to actually live by this philosophy.  It was not until a few hours after it was over that I really thought about it more deeply, in the dilemma of giving up something in order to settle for less.  I am sure you can come up with your own list of items where you made a decision based upon cost, time or other inherent reason and perhaps adjusted your standards in the process.  When I think about the days in my younger more frivolous youth, I was also reminded about the silly phase that I went through in buying bottled water that was a French brand because it sounded exclusive and all the cool young crowd had a bottle of it in their hands where ever you went.  This bottle also came with a deeper price tag than the standard brands and interestingly for me, I ultimately felt the other brands tasted better.  Yet, in my crazy thinking I made sense of spending the additional money and back then I had very little discretionary funds to spare, only because it appeared to be the “in” thing to do.  I can also recall the department stores that I used to shop at were of a particular caliber, as I wanted the latest brand of hip clothes that some of my peers were wearing.  It is funny now to think that when I had the least amount of extra money to spend, I ended up spending a lot more.  Sadly, many of those items had only a limited shelf life to them, as much of it was a passing fad.  What I now realize is that I placed value on what others perceived of me, as opposed to what I could afford.  Now as I think about all of those things in my distant memory I simply say “thank you”, for the lesson that it eventually taught me.  Holding yourself accountable to your own standards is something that you can keep your head up high about, as it provides you with peace of mind as you lull yourself to sleep at night.  Knowing that you did not have to lower anything about your personal benchmarks of what you believe and value, will continue to provide a great return of your personal investment.  Always remember that your personal standards ultimately is part of who you are and speaks your truth to others.  If you are presented with an easy way out of something, think twice about the consequence of that simple fix.  Many times we have all learned that doing the right thing and for the right reason, should be your only true compass point.  Ultimately, remember to keep your standards high and don’t settle for anything that is not worthy of who you are.      

You have competition every day because you set such high standards for yourself that you have to go out every day and live up to that.”   -Michael Jordan