Thursday, February 28, 2013

The power of being focused, can exude many types of benefits that can have far reaching effects.  I was a witness to a great example of this ability last weekend, when I was judging a public speaking competition.  There was a young man who was representing a middle school, so he must have been in the 7th grade.  His topic of his speech encompassed his life goals and how education would be the catalyst to him reaching what he had set for himself to accomplish.  He eloquently described how he pushes himself to do the best that he can in achieving high marks in his educational classes.  However, he also was very precise in describing his goal of obtaining not just a college education, he also spoke about his goal of obtaining a masters degree and becoming an attorney.  When you think about the age of a 7th grader, which is about twelve or 13 years old, I can certainly recall in my own life how I thought those years were among the most awkward years in my life.  That was that period when I did not necessarily posses my own voice or was sure about my convictions in life.  I was amazed at how this young man walked through a situation like this one, with three judges that he has never met and proceeded to communicate part of his life vision to the panel.  As an adult with many years under my belt now, I still come to those points in the road where I still wonder about what the future holds for me, although I am much more comfortable with the unknown.  I kept wondering to myself how life could be different if at such a young age, you are able to articulate what you want in life and have a road map built with the directions on how you will achieve that particular trip.  The aptitude of having better focus in our lives is something that many of us could benefit more from.  Our ability to achieve small milestones and turn them into part of our lifelong goals as part of our continuous focus, should be part of our daily living formula.  Although it is never to late to focus on achieving something in your life, it can be even greater if you were to begin this process earlier and on a more consistent basis.  Remember to direct your attention and be specific in your actions if you want to achieve your desired outcome.

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