Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I Believe, I Trust, I Let Go

I have been participating on some meditation exercises that are facilitated by the great Deepak Chopra.  Each one of the sessions has been very powerful, however, when I walked through the one titled, "Faithful Me", it stayed with me for several days afterwards.  There are three simple statements, that carry such power and conviction that I felt compelled to pay more attention to them via my own written words.  We all have faith in ourselves that we can accomplish certain things that could be task oriented or part of our nature around family and friends.  If you make a commitment to manage your finances better, live a more healthy lifestyle, be a more understanding parent or perhaps you want to communicate better with your loved ones, you can be resolved to have faith in yourself to accomplish those things.  However, in the meditation example what provided me with such an impacting thought was that we must let go of all things and not try to craft something that is not completely in our control.  If we believe that the best will come of any situation deep down inside and that you trust yourself or your higher power based upon your own spiritual beliefs, then there is no further ingredient to be added to this formula.  Issues in our lives teach us things about ourselves or others, which is how growth is primarily measured on a personal basis.  When we pay so much attention to the details of how things will manifest themselves in our life, we tend to lose the focus of having that inner belief that you know the best will come of all things that are meant for your own good.  We all have minds that wander and we tend to be great at coming up with a variety of solutions to any particular problem.  What we fail to do in many instances is to really take a step back and let go of things while you focus on trusting and believing that only good will come of everything.  We could eliminate so much unnecessary time that is spent on visualizing how we are going to solve something at every turn, if we were to put our conscience at rest if we learn to trust and believe a little bit more in ourselves.  The next time you are presented with a particular issue, barrier or decision making point in your life, think about these simple action statements that can give you freedom over repeating various problem solving scenarios that are not anchored by faith, trust and a firm belief as the foundation to the solution.  Three simple statements; I believe, I trust and I let go, can become the cornerstone of living a more peaceful existence that does not waiver and give you the strength you need to persevere in any given situation.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Myth Of Perfection

I read  a quote the other day which highlighted how people aspire to be perfect and I have contemplated it ever since.  It was a great reminder that a lot of us tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perceived as close to perfect, however, given the circumstances that surround our lives, we may not be able to reach something that is so unattainable.  Perfection, means that there is absolutely no flaw and we all know that all of us have our own imperfections that make us who we are.  Therefore, it becomes a harrowing experience to be able to live up to a standard that would only bring us disappointment, if we find that we cannot maintain or achieve this illusive target.  What we have to be comfortable with is being in our own skin and not seeking to achieve something that we may perceive as making us happy, when in fact it cannot.  People aspire all the time to be of an ideal weight or to live in a particular type of home, while using that as a barometer of sorts that can measure the level of happiness which can be achieved in their lives.  The truth is we all know that material things will never fill any gaping hole that may be at our inner core, if we have not made peace with our selves.  This is why people can turn to drugs, alcohol, excessive spending, food or any other number of things that can be done in excess, to cover up a problem that exists at the center of their being.  Rather than continuing a cycle that perpetuates unhealthy living or recklessness, it is always best to deal with what ever issue has become the symptom to the true problem.  If you need to make to peace with your past, then be determined to do this.  If it means that you change one little thing everyday until you reach a desired goal, then resolve yourself to be on that journey.  Nothing is worse than remaining stagnant and doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result.   Remember that this unhealthy cycle has been defined as insanity in many instances.  Do your mind, body and spirit a big favor and address the issues that need your attention.  As uncomfortable as the process may seem at first, it is the end result that will bring you some much needed relief, peace and balance back to your life.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Defining Your Purpose

Today I am sharing a new column that will be published next month. 

Inventing Your Life

“Defining Your Purpose”


Rob Claudio

According to world renowned author, Dr. Wayne Dyer, passion is; "the inner excitement of being on the right path".  It would be amazing if everyone could experience this feeling and live their life so that their internal compass was always pointed in the direction of where there passion lies.  However, a good majority of people struggle with what they feel they are supposed to do in life and are caught in a place where breaking out of the routine and enacting change may be a daunting or monumental task.  Some people may think that if you are younger and without lots of long term responsibilities, it is easier to change career paths, relationships or other defined life roles.  The question that should ultimately define the direction in which you are headed is, “are you really happy with where you are at right now”?  If the answer is remotely close to being a no, then there is an opportunity to be able to change some things, so that you are heading down the path that feels less like a chore and more like a passionate walk.  The truth is that until one's life is over, there is always the possibility to make adjustments no matter what stage you happen to be in.  When you see others filled with happiness when they describe what they do, that is an example of the passion that can drive a person to realize that they are fulfilling their own life's purpose.  There are many examples of why people can't, however, what comes out of a person's mouth should only speak to the possibility that exists if you can change your thinking to say, "I can".  The circle of people around you, if they are your true friends, confidants, family or supporters, will be the first to encourage you to change if that is truly what you seek.  Don't get lost in the words of those that impose doubt or simply put your dreams down, because at the end of the day your dreams belong to you and nobody else. Whether you are passionate about changing a small aspect of your life or a rather large one, honor yourself by addressing those things that you want to see change.  If the first half of your life started out less than optimal, then plan forward to a better second half of doing the things that truly make you happy.  One can redefine where they are or where they are going at any given time and never feel guilty if you do things that honor this in you.  Also, remember to not look back so much at your past, as what happened previously in your life has nothing new to show you.   Your future can ultimately be filled with infinite possibilities, when you decide that doing what you love is the defining character of who you were meant to be.  

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
-John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Having A Positive Mindset About Aging

I was looking at an interview where they were highlighting the life of the legendary singer Patti LaBelle and I was very taken by how candid she was along with how bright her spirit was shining through her during the course of that conversation.  When the topic of her age came about, she smiled and stated she was "sixty nine years young".  She did look great, however, you could tell that it was her attitude about her age and life that was what the public was captivated by.  I think we could learn a lesson or two from people like her when it comes to growing older.  The media is constantly providing examples of what beauty and good looks should be.  However, what they magnify in the media is not a true reality for all.  I also have some friends that are older than myself and when I talk to them or see them I am reminded about why their great attitudes make them all considerably younger.  It is up to an individual and their disposition about their life that emanates from that being, which is what we usually see with our own eyes.  Choosing a positive attitude about yourself can do wonders and possibly more than any type of wrinkle cream or other anti-aging product.  Everyone has the power to change this about themselves, therefore why not take advantage of something that is free.  The next time you look in the mirror and think about what you want to change about your appearance, remember to concentrate on the real you that is inside that body that is no longer twenty one or whatever age that you recall as looking your best.  Select today to think well about yourself and celebrate that every possible wrinkle or line that is now part of you, came with many years of experience that you would not trade in for the world.  Think about the fact that you can still look your best and be a great example to people to others.  Show the world that your attitude can shave years off any life, as you allow yourself to be comfortable in your own skin.  I am not so sure that the media will ever change their fascination with youth oriented, yet, we can be part of the reality check that we want to portray in the real world.    

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New Beginnings

I was listening to a story about a famous actress who at the height of her career decided to leave Hollywood and the celebrity lifestyle behind.  Although she had made plenty of money, it was her public celebrity that was defining who she was and she was smart enough to know that she was a lot more underneath what the public was able to see.  I really enjoyed listening to the interview as it was a story that was defining of many people not just celebrities, it was an example of how people sometimes need a new beginning in order to find true happiness in their lives.  I think anyone of us can relate to a a time or times in our lives when we realized after the fact that our choices may not have been the best one's and as a result we had to endure some growing pains.  Although it can be difficult at times to have those instances that seem to drain your body of all the energy available, you have the capacity to begin each day anew.  It can be difficult to leave something behind and everyone can mourn the fact that things are no longer the way were.  However, the experience teaches us so many things that helps re-define who we really are and further enhances who we were actually meant to be.  The many lessons that life teaches us, ultimately are there to teach us something more about ourselves.  The catalog of lessons are so vast that we can each remember how we were taught about; humility, perseverance, honesty, integrity, bravery and love to name a few.  What I have found about about life is that while your heart is still beating, there will be a continuance of lessons to be learned.  The passage of time does help with the ability to recognize those instances of prior teachings, where we can quickly discern what is meant for us and our own good along with those things that are not.  Think about the possibilities that come with leaving something behind and having a fresh start.  Sometimes we need to have that capability similar to on a computer when you re-boot or refresh it.  Acknowledge what you were taught and add the experience to your life's toolbox.  Only you can move forward from any life lesson, so don't allow any experience to define who you are.  When the day brings you the new morning sun, envision where you are headed.  You may not be at your ideal place right now, however, have faith that you will one day refer to this place as a good lesson that you once learned.    

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Growing Pains Are Temporary

There are so many things to be grateful for on a daily basis, that if one was to pay attention to the details of all of  them it could take a considerable amount of time.  For the most part we live out our days on a type of schedule that quickly overshadows the many important moments in our lives.  I have spoken before about the importance of meditation as a way to re-center yourself and listen to the deepest part of you that enables you to be connected to your mind, body and soul.  When you take a moment that is truly for that specific purpose, the silence can be very revealing if you listen to what your thoughts are telling you.  The majority of time we all are equipped with this internal mechanism to be able to address or solve our own problems.  The issue is whether we truly want to listen to ourselves when those moments of silence are trying to reveal something to us.  Many individuals would rather ignore that voice that speaks to them about how they should proceed with a particular issue.  The comfort of knowing and being complacent with where you are at versus the unknown, can tilt the scales in favor of remaining in a chaotic state that is familiar.  Life changes are never easy as they bring about a lot of our insecurities, however, not changing into the person that you were meant to be, can also leave you with an uninspired taste for life.  If you begin counting the things that you are grateful for, it becomes evident in a short period of time that you actually can have a lot more positive things going for you than you think.  Having perspective of what is truly meaningful to you and letting go of the things that way you down can ultimately add years of longevity along with peace of mind.  Let go of those things that are no longer worth your time and focus on those things that truly are inspiring to you.  If a little discomfort occurs as a result of your new actions, think about it as a short burst of growing pains.  Ultimately, they only last for that small time period and the end result can be much more positive. One should strive to achieve and do their best and in order for this to occur, being resolved along with taking the necessary steps to get to your goal is a must.  Do not spend any more time on thinking about the "what if" scenarios that may permeate your thinking.  Simply take a firm step and have faith that where you are headed is going to be the place that you ultimately want to be.