Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I have heard the term leveraging resources ever since the era of doing more with less came about several years ago.  This idea that you can do more when you combine resources with others to achieve similar goals, can enable an entity to have longer sustainability as a result.  I then began to think about how this idea works for people on an everyday basis.  Parents who take their children to school do a version of this via carpooling.  They leverage their vehicles and take responsibility of transporting each other's children in an an effort to decrease duplication, cost and time.  At work some people have book clubs that they enjoy, which stimulates conversation with other people who have similar views and similar tastes in reading.  Their example of leveraging their time to discuss similar interests and explore different meanings or points of view behind reading material, can provide for idea exchanges that can lead to new thoughts about interpreting life and the English language.  Among the most unique and giving examples of the leveraging term is when people get together for a common cause or perhaps to raise money for finding a cure to a well known illness.  In having larger numbers of concerned individuals focusing attention to a disease or an issue that can have a positive social impact, provides a great example of how we as human beings can bring better balance to a planet that appears to have this deficiency at times.  I believe that there are many other great examples of  how we can leverage our own individual resources to get a better return on our investment of personal time and money.  The larger question becomes, which is your priority and how will you take advantage of this opportunity?  Utilize what others have been doing for some time and adopt the techniques that can bring more value to your investments.  Soon enough you will enjoy the same benefits as others, when you realize that you can enjoy having more by doing smart planning, as you realize your personal goals.

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