Thursday, February 14, 2013

The catalyst that can change your life and move you in a different direction can be determined by so many varied things.  These days we are in constant phases of change that is more visible as the world of social media, along with the internet speed up the process of how information travels to us.  Therefore we may be changing more times and more frequently than we think.  People may think that they are a creature of habit and that change is not something that they adapt well to. However, all of us make decisions about what to purchase or spend our discretionary income on based upon what messages we may be receiving via these communication methods.  In thinking back to my younger years, I never would have that you could have dinner to be delivered via a website and now even more convenient via a hand held electronic device.  We make purchases without going into stores and have become more comfortable in making monetary transactions via the web, which has thus eliminated a large amount of work for the now struggling postal service.  I remember very vividly growing up and knowing the exact hour in which our mail would be delivered by the postal delivery person.  It was like clock work and now it is a long forgotten memory to most.  Electronic mail and adapting to the constant barrage of messages that can come at you within a one hour period can be a job all unto itself.  Yet in all of these examples, we have all adapted and changed along with technology.  Again, our change is constant and how we proceed as a result of those changes is entirely up to us.  Whether we adapt or get left behind as a result of our ability to change is entirely up to us.  We have many choices to make on a daily basis that affect our lives along with our joy and happiness.  We should all make a concerted effort to not let change bother us, rather be accepting that it is part of our daily lives.  The quicker you get on board with small changes around you, the sooner you will be able to address the larger changes that need to be made in your near future.

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