Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I had to re-boot my computer the other day and as easy as it was to hit control+Alt+delete to initiate the process, I thought about how useful this command would be to us as humans and have a similar feature that we could all access whenever it was needed.  The process of reinvention is one of my favorite topics, because I firmly believe that we all have that capability at any given time in our lives.  The issue has always been finding the catalyst to motivate us to proceed.  It is such a popular topic these days that we now we have shows that highlight stories that deal with people's issues regarding addictions to food, alcohol, drugs or even the transformation of a home.  Through the course of an hour on television, we can participate as an active observant to see what it takes for someone to go through an incredible change.  At the core of all of these stories are issues that are deep rooted within causing a negative reaction that can cause people to abuse any number of things.  Those are extreme examples, however, there are also plenty of other non-extreme cases that are just as pivotal in the need to reboot.  Some folks deal with complacency in their lives, where everything appears to be the same and routine, while in the inside of some of these individuals are screaming to get out of their comfort zone.  There are plenty of people in the world that end long term relationships and marriages because they grew apart and at some point in their journey together and the rebooting function for them no longer worked.  For all of us human beings there is no simplicity associated with hitting a reset command within us in order to snap out of something and transform to another level that we long for.  The reality for us is that we must make the reinvention process a daily occurrence, with special attention to the small details of ensuring that we do so with long term consistency.  The formula is always the same, if you want to change then be resolved to do so with follow up steps afterwards in order to achieve your desired goal.  Think of a marathon runner and the amount of daily training that they have undergone in order to achieve that level of sustained capability, that allows them to run over twenty miles without stopping. We can all surmise that it took plenty of time, discipline and persistence in order to achieve that level of performance.  With this same type of approach our own reinvention can take place if one is resolute to attaining such a change.  The good news is that there is such a rebooting command that we all carry, we just need to work on finding the impetus that will allow us to realize that we can initiate that function at the time that we need it most.  Much like getting into better shape will require a regimen in order to achieve desired results, we must also develop that drive in order to be successful in our reinvention.  The opportunity to change is always there, so we must realize that our own free will is the only thing that stands in our way.  Regardless of where you happen to be in your life today know that you, as the author of your own life, can write the type of story you wish for yourself.  In particular, you can write the happy ending that you have always wished for and deserve.  Just be resolved to change, take small steps daily, set a strategy to reach your goal and surround yourself with great support so that your own harmonious being will be the end result of the transformation you desire.