Thursday, November 24, 2016

Your Words; Your Reality

Today I am sharing an article that will be published next month.

Inventing Your Life

“Your Words; Your Reality”


Rob Claudio

As I meandered through a Saturday afternoon over the past weekend I was catching up on television shows that I had recorded and deleting some that I felt I would not have enough time for.  I got to a point in one of the recordings where I saw a reality television commercial and there was a life/fitness coach speaking to someone that wanted to give up on their goal.  I listened for a few minutes and then quickly moved on, however, I kept thinking about what the person was telling the individual that was in the middle of giving up, because he felt he could no longer move forward.  In hearing the person speak, I could tell that he had changed his belief about himself on his journey.  After I left the house and went about my errands, I kept thinking about the power of our own words and what we tell ourselves that can either help us believe in achieving something or can also deter us from arriving at a goal.  We can do a good job of talking ourselves out of many things by creating our own downward spiral conversation from within, without the need of another individual.  What we speak to ourselves can be the most powerful weapon that can be used for both good or to create doubt and apprehension.  Think about the words that were used with you as a child and I bet there is a vivid memory of a very positive example, when words of encouragement were spoken to you by someone which perhaps was life-changing.  Conversely, I believe that other memories may exist that may provide you with opposite feelings, especially if someone spoke to you while using negative or harmful words.   Because I would rather live in a world filled with encouragement and peace, I choose to remember only the good memories and I hope you strive to do the same.  From the negative recollections, those I use to inspire to be better and do better. Hence, I encourage you to speak words that have good intentions behind them, with a positive light and where the action around you can be nurtured to move forward and not backwards or stand still. Your ability to transcend and create change in your life which can be more beneficial, begins with your ability to believe in your personal words to yourself.  If you find that there are people around you that are naysayers or don’t support what you want to do in your life, then find new folks to replace them as part of your inner circle.  Remember that not everyone grows in the same direction as we get older and some people become uncomfortable when you start changing, because it means that they are not.  The responsibility to change lies within each individual, so try to remember that when you feel you have a project at hand in attempting to change someone else.  In the end, you can change and if others do not, then hopefully they will catch up with you sometime soon.  Finally, remember to use your words wisely and with some ongoing practice I am sure that you will be speaking in a harmonious truth, that will attract like-minded individuals to be part of your circle of support.

"Your words have power. Speak words that are kind, loving, positive, uplifting, encouraging, and life-giving."

-      Author Unknown

Monday, November 14, 2016

When Your Soul Sings

We have opportunities to experience joy on any given day through out our lifetime.  As I experience those moments now as an older adult I tend to slow down to relish the feeling even longer, as my appreciation for these periods has grown tremendously.  There are many things that can bring us that feeling of overwhelming happiness and it can come from the simplest of things to the most complex of them.  For the foodies of this world, perhaps it is the taste of the best comfort cuisine that wakes up your senses and sends you to another place in appreciation for what you just savored.  Then there are nature enthusiasts, who feel their hearts jump with delight when they are in front of a beautiful waterfall or perhaps at the top of a majestic mountain with a view that could last for years.  Let us not forget that the laughter of a child can be music to the ears of many folks as well and when we hear this we can all agree that most of us smile as soon as it happens around us.  Then there is the first time parent who is introduced to their newborn child and when they first see their baby with utter amazement the bond is immediate and embedded into their soul, as the moment fills a heart with abundant elation.  The examples are so numerous that one could write out complete volumes of encyclopedias with them, however, I think you get the picture of what I am trying to convey.  I have termed these moments for myself "when your soul sings", because it feels like this other part of you gets connected to something beyond what your eyes can see and draws from this great feeling of happiness that almost has no words for it.  If you believe in God, then you can also relate to that feeling where prayer, meditation and simply being in the presence of something much greater than yourself, can transcend a moment that at times may feel much longer and filled with euphoric and peaceful joy.  The key thing to remember is that the more you look for those things to be part of your daily experience, the more the law of attraction becomes present in your life.  What takes a bit of practice is to begin collecting all of those small moments of joy, as you string them together into greater lasting amounts.  When you think about the time that you are left with the remaining days of your life, it would only seem appropriate that you make calculated choices in selecting to live your life with more of an abundant bliss.  Because there are many things in our world that are tend to sap our energy and can bring us down emotionally, I think it is even more important now to counter all of that momentum with an opposite more appealing one.  Therefore, I do hope that many of you will make a more determined effort to screen more of the right things in your life and be present in the presence of a joy filled experience. Ultimately, I hope that all of it will provide you with ongoing opportunities which will allow your soul to sing consistently as well, as it reaches for even higher notes in the future.