Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Right Thing

Today I am sharing a column that will be published soon.  

“The Right Thing”


Rob Claudio

A few days ago, I was reflecting on a sign I had read which reminded me that doing the right thing is not always easy.  Although I have seen many different versions of this in various formats, I always appreciate it when I see the message.   I am also in complete agreement with its meaning, as there have been far too numerous examples in my own life when I was taught a lesson or two as part of this reality.  I also thought about how I always had a hard time contending with how easy it has been for some people to continue to do the wrong thing, as they appear to get an easy pass at times, while others find it much harder and struggle with staying on the right path.  I then recalled how the arrival at a higher level of achievement takes hard work along with sweat and tears for some.  Yet, it is the hard work and feeling that you get afterwards of reaching a great milestone, which validates how what you did is worth celebrating because it was not particularly simple.  This made me think about the students who study their brains out to achieve near perfect grades to obtain acceptance to a prestigious college or university.  For these young adults, it was not easy to say no to going out with friends or using their discretionary time differently, instead of deciding to stay home and study further for their next exams.  These individuals did so with the intent that they would be rewarded for their extra effort and diligence.  Interestingly one may have heard stories from time to time about how a wealthy family was able to get their child into a top college, simply because of their status and influence.  I always think about how these particular young individuals will grow up in a world where they were not seeking the highest standard of achievement, and as a result do not have the same appreciation for the discipline needed to reach a lofty goal.  That is why the satisfaction of attainment of one's personal goals are also relished even more for those that had the more difficult journey.  When I hear about a person who overcame significant barriers, such as extreme poverty or a lack of family support and were able to obtain acceptance to a prestigious university, I smile because of the potential of that individual to not only make a significant difference in the world, but also how they will inspire others of similar circumstances.  I know that we have all faced many days when we think about how we would have appreciated an easier path, rather than having to face the uncomfortable or more difficult walks that we have come to know.  If you find yourself in this particular situation, I believe that your challenge can lead to a greater victory that can ultimately change your life in a positive way.  You just have to be mindful that sometimes the outcomes that we expect do not exactly arrive at the time that they are needed and even more interestingly they may not look exactly how you had envisioned they would be.  Trusting that all things will work out for your good in the end is having ultimate faith, that can bring you greater inner peace if you work more towards having this at the center of your life.  Remember that worrying more about your outcome usually does not solve your issue either.  For the time being no matter where you find yourself in life, you must learn to trust your path and put on your best attitude wherever you happen to be.  Also, do the work and put in the hours of practice, effort or other investment needed that will eventually yield the results that you long for.  Remember that the path that you are walking on may not be the easiest at times, however, if you are making the right choices it will lead you to the place that you are meant to be.

“Do what is right, not what is easy nor what is popular.”
Roy T. Bennett