Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Simple Things

I am sharing a column to be published next month.

“Simple Things”


Rob Claudio

I was doing some house cleaning a few weeks ago, doing what I thought were typical mundane things as one normally does on the weekend.  When I got to my bedroom and began to change my sheets, my Siamese cat Diego would not let me put on the fitted sheet as he thought it was a game that we needed to play together.  Every time I attempted to spread the sheet, he would jump in the middle and twirl while grabbing on to a piece of it.  I went from saying "stop that" to just throwing the entire sheet over him, as I laughed at how he tangled himself up in all of it.  He then peered out of a corner every so often to see if our game was still going on, while I continued to have a good chuckle. I sat there and just enjoyed the funny moment which many cat owners I am sure can attest to, when their furry friends do similar mischievous things.  As I stepped outside with my hamper of laundry on my next to-do item, I continued to think about all of the moments we have in our lives when we are able to smile or laugh at what could be deemed as uneventful for some, yet they may create harmonious memories for others.  Then my opportunities of grinning junctures did not end with my own pet, as it continued at my brother's house where I had to do some late afternoon nephew sitting for the family dog, a Miniature Pinscher named AJ.   There I was met by the loud bark coming out of the smallest dog, with a personality ten times his size along with a big cuddly heart.  We went for the traditional walk and he tugged on the leash on an ongoing basis, as if to tell me we needed to go faster.  So much green territory to cover in a short amount of time, as I finally got what he was trying to impart to me through his quick sniffs and ongoing walking into the trees and bushes, only to periodically look back at me as if to say, "aren't you having fun?!"  I got to sit at a park bench and just take this other moment in afterwards, when I felt the appreciation of not only being outside on a beautiful summer afternoon, however, I also had some fun company that continued to make me laugh and smile through the bubbly personality of this energetic pup.  As I headed home and drove down some hills after leaving my brother’s home, I got to a stop light where there is another park and I could hear the laughing of children as they played and chased each other in what looked like a sea cushion of wispy green grass, through the screeching of kids having a great time.  It was one more opportunity to witness life's simple pleasures as I paid no ticket entry for this type of amusement, because it all exists for free.  My final reflections as I made my way back to my house, were that although this appeared to be a typical day filled with boring things to do, in my world, it was filled with life energizing moments which I could have missed, if I wasn't paying attention.  So, the next time you go for a routine walk with the family pet, or get the chance to sit in a park, perhaps go to the beach or just take a moment at your own favorite spot, drink it all in!  Remember that life is filled with lots of little things like these, some would even say simple things, which when viewed through a different lens can add the right splash of energy and create memories in a perceived typical ordinary day.   

I like simple things. Elastic waists, so I can eat.
-Barbra Streisand

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