Thursday, October 3, 2019

Not All Storms Are In The Forecast

I am sharing my latest column to be published next month.

“Not All Storms Are In The Forecast”




Rob Claudio

I was listening to speaker talk about the issue of trying to remain calm during a storm a few weeks ago.  As I heard her words I then recalled having seen many inspirational quotes which have stated something similar, yet, I felt as if I needed to clarify a few things related to this statement before I could fully accept it.  First, it is true that worrying about things which you have little or no control over can chip away at your peace of mind, especially when our inclination is to take immediate action.  Easier said than done, is also the next thing which then flashes through my mind.  In going back to the speaker she also mentioned that many of the storms which we face in life were never part of the forecast, and on this point I am in complete agreement.  The reason is there are many examples through the course of my own life when I felt that I was not prepared to weather such a large storm, which I found myself immersed in as it arrived out of nowhere.  Think about the instance of having a car accident, which most of us can never predict when they will occur, yet, we have all been there in the aftermath of trying to figure out our next steps.  What may have seemed like a minor fender bender, can sometimes snowball into something much more serious along with the costs associated with this inconvenience.  So, what happens when your forecast gets altered so strongly, that all of a sudden you find yourself disoriented as you were not prepared for it and then have to figure out the best exit strategy for yourself?  For me the answer has gone back time and again to having faith in myself and my circumstance that I will be able to overcome these things with personal endurance, spiritual guidance and the knowledge that I have family and friends which can lend me their shoulder to lean on.  I know that this may seem more difficult if you feel that you lack a network of support and if you happen to be in that situation, then I say look to do good things even in the most minor way to help others, while you await a breakthrough for your own situation.  When faced with an obstacle, I don't have to go very far to realize and see examples of other people who are facing much bigger issues than I am.  When you put things into perspective and you begin looking at how to tackle small items before you can even get to the much larger ones, you essentially begin to put one foot in front of the other.  Before you know it, you realize that you are actually walking forward while stringing together these milestones which will eventually lead you to the place you needed to be.  The caveat to this is the fact that it may take longer than you thought was necessary and in many situations you may feel as if one day was more like one month.   However, I still challenge you to do good deeds and seek out someone else who may need some assistance in the middle of your own turmoil.  The minute you take your mind off of your own problems, is when your view of the challenge changes and it is also when I believe you then allow for the right energy to lead you in the direction you needed to go.  I think we can all agree that as long as we are living, we will face our share of obstacles on the road of life.  My hope for all of you is that you not lose sight of progress which can be found in helping someone else.  As an optimist I believe everyone will find their way to the right place and ultimately the destination will be filled with joy and peace of mind. I am also certain that all of us have the power to weather unforeseen storms which were never in our forecasts and the revelation that helping others when you also need assistance may sound counterintuitive. However, you will be surprised at how things can fall into place when you are no longer at the center of your own storm.

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine
-Morris West

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