Saturday, April 14, 2012

Consistency is a term that has lots of deep meaning.  For those that are striving to achieve something, it means that you need to be disciplined in your efforts towards your goal.  During the course of my lifetime, I have found that being consistent sometimes means that there is no immediate visible change.  This can be discouraging to some, however, you must be diligent in your pursuit, as consistency does pay off in the end.  Do not get impatient when you notice that things do not change right away. It is through repeated disciplined efforts that allow you to reach your intended goal.  When you practice consistency, do so without fanfare, without calling attention to yourself in what you have a achieved.  I have found that consistency accompanied by a dose of humility can make your goal achievement even greater and more fulfilling.  The world is filled with plenty of attention driven things, that add little value to all of us.  We can all do with less of that.  Choose to be consistent in your daily journey and you will notice small changes almost immediately.  It is the sum of these small changes over time, in being consistent that will get you to your goal sooner than you think.

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