Monday, July 2, 2012

There are days that can be more difficult than others.  Our ability to withstand difficulty and show the world that we may be shaken, yet, we are still standing at the end of the day is part of our inherent nature.  Children look to adults to learn how this is modeled.  When we grow older, we never realize where our strength in a moment of crisis comes from, but we all remember how the adults in our lives handled those moments.  We are left wondering after such a period of time, how we navigated through that particular storm.  With time and consistency we approach life's issues with a better understanding that we can prevail.  Our toolbox on how to navigate life grows with time and we acquire different tools with every different challenge that we face.  As a result, we all have various capabilities that we call upon during our lifetime to get us through those arduous periods. A great example of this exists in the classic movie "The Wizard Of Oz", when at the end Dorothy, is given advice and has a revelation that she had the power all along to change her destiny.  I hope that all of us realize sooner rather than later that we have that same power and in doing so we can live with more harmony and peace.  

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