Monday, August 6, 2012

Most of us are a work in progress.  There are areas of development in all of us and we get the opportunity to take inventory of how far we have progressed by the tests that come our way in life.  During those periods we need to take some time to do some self analysis.  First, we may be going through a similar situation that we had gone through previously, the question then turns to, "What lesson did we learn the last time we went through this?  The universe is great at making us repeat lessons that we did not learn previously. Hence, we should acknowledge that we may not have made the right decision (s) the last time so, "How are we going to proceed differently this time?"  There is a famous saying that states "The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result".   Therefore we must be careful to not proceed doing the exact same thing that got us to the same place.  Be honest with yourself and admit where things went wrong and forgive yourself as you proceed forward.  There is no need in beating yourself up because you may have repeated something you vowed not to previously.  Once you make your way through this next phase, remember to share what you have learned with others.  That is part of our growth in that we should acknowledge that others may also be dealing with similar issues. We have a universal responsibility to share what we have learned, so that others can try to avoid some of the pitfalls that we were not able to.  Although on paper it can sound somewhat simple, all of this takes effort.  The one thing that I do know is that the minute you get the meaning of a lesson, it is over and one moves on.  I hope that all of us continue to help each other as we walk forward and I look forward to seeing everyone enjoy their journey regardless of where one happens to be.

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