Tuesday, August 28, 2012

While reading this afternoon I ran into article by an author Arielle Ford and as she wrote about the power of intention, there was a specific line that caught my eye.  She stated, "You deserve your own love and affection.  When you fall in love with yourself, the whole world mirrors that love back to you." My thoughts stayed with this statement and I began to think longer about what it meant to me. What I took from this was that in order for us to receive all of the great things that we want in our lives, we must first begin with our acknowledgement that we are worthy.  It can be difficult at times because we tend to confuse being deserving of good things with perhaps being selfish.  Falling in love with yourself can also have barriers for some, as human beings we have our own issues with our acceptance. For some it can be the hurdles associated with body image and so this love process may be easier said than done.  I think we can acknowledge that we may not have the perfect body that matches how we feel inside, therefore, the sooner we can get past this the better.  If this is an area of development accept it, move towards it and move on.  Begin by acknowledging that you do have some great qualities and accept the positive comments when you hear them from your quality circle of people around you.  Don't be bogged down by what you have not accomplished and instead focus on what you have done. As adults we tend to take less credit for things that we had a direct effect on.  Also being forgiving and less critical of yourself is essential, as the world is not as critical as we happen to be.  Learn to get past any barrier that prevents you from feeling better about yourself and begin to receive the good feelings from the world around you.  Acceptance of ourselves can begin with affirming some of the great qualities that you already possess, such as; compassion, integrity, trustworthy, kind or generous just to name a few.  Pay attention to these areas as you prepare yourself for the world to love you back even more.  You are deserving of this and so much more.     

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