Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today I am revisiting a previously published column. 

Inventing Your Life



Rob Claudio

As we get closer to Spring and life begins blooming around us, I am always amazed at how nature goes through this metamorphasis of bringing new life to all living things.  I see it as a transformation that brings renewal that we can all learn a lesson from.  In life, I think things very much mirror the year’s season’s as we go through our own seasons of change.  I would like for you to begin thinking about what you can tackle this Spring as you continue to transform your life to the person you are meant to be.  Perhaps it is confronting a bad habit and leaving that which needs to be left behind once and for all.  A lot of us get lost in the fact that we live in what we know and that which is familiar.  The challenge for us is to let go of things and live in that unfamiliar state, which may bring pause and apprehension to some.  What I have learned is that a little risk can do a body good.  Sometimes, we need to be a little fearful of what we are not comfortable with, in order to peel another layer away of that which you have no use for.  We are all very complex individuals and it has taken a lifetime of experiences to get us to where we are today.  I am of the firm belief that if something no longer works for you in your life, you can certainly change it.  It all takes time and some discipline, however, I think a lot of people get stuck in the planning and contemplating part of transforming versus looking at what the end result will be.  I know that living in the known chaos for some is more of a comfort than living in the potential unknown.  The question is, for how long?  I have asked you in the past to take inventory of your lives and begin the process of choosing what is important to you and letting go of what is not adding value.  Use this season as your spring board, to be able to at least tackle one of the items in your self inventory to finally put in your past.  Look forward to your new beginning and see what the new season brings into your life.   

“It’s what you learn after you know it all, that counts.”
– John Wooden

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