Friday, December 28, 2012

The term forgive and forget has been around for as long as anyone can remember.  It is one of those phrases that is easier said than done.  However, the healing that comes to a person as a result of not carrying around a burdenful memory that can add unnecessary weight to the shoulders of everyone that struggles with their day-to-day issues, can be life changing.  As we inch closer to the beginning of a New Year, I believe it is necessary to take an inventory at precisely this time, to ensure that there is no unforgiveness in anyone's heart.  Before we embark on the ensuing year, I challenge you to look at what has occurred over the past twelve months and see if there is anything that you were holding resentment about.  If you had any of these negative emotions, then look at this as your opportunity to finally set that obtrusive weight that you have been struggling with free and find it in your heart to let go.  When people lose a loved one without warning, it can be quite damaging to the person that may have not have made peace with that individual before they left.  The amount of instances when people lost someone and wished later that they could have one final opportunity to say they were sorry, is unfortunately quite large.  Before another year goes by and you let something that has been bothering you for some time enter into 2013 with you, be determined and resolved to finally let that stay in this year of 2012.  One never knows the true methodology for why someone acted out of character or hurtful in the past.  The reasons are many, however, there is never going to be an answer that will be completely satisfactory to the recipient of that negativity.  Therefore, don't let another day or in this case, another year go by before you decide to make peace, if nothing else do it for yourself.  The act of forgiving is much more important for the person who decides to let things go, than for the one that caused the pain.  Decide that you will enter into the New Year with a little less weight around your shoulders and give yourself some long needed inner peace as your wish for 2013.

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