Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I was driving home with some close friends this afternoon after an evening spent at another dear friend's home, as we celebrated and embraced brand new year that we now find ourselves in.  As we chatted our way on the road and navigated through the rolling hills, we were surprised as we encountered a very small snow shower.  It came out of the blue and although we could still see the sun in the background there were some wintry grey clouds passing over us.  I thought about this as I finally made it home and how I enjoy being part of something new and different each day.  It has been many years since I have driven through any type of snow storm as they don't come often to Southern California.  However, the mountains and hills near by can provide for a fresh perspective on how weather can be dynamically different through out this great state. I also began to think about the opportunities that we receive to experience and embrace something new on an ongoing basis.  I find that if you allow your mind to filter in or look for these observations, their frequency increases very similar to exercising a muscle after a period of time.  The distractions of everyday living may play as a detractor as we can miss some of these circumstances that allow us to bask in a unique encounter.  I am also very much aware that abundance begins in these small experiences, as it is a number of small great things put together that can equate to creating a large bounty.  I heard from a relative a long time ago that among the greatest and most expensive perfumes in the world, those rare types are sold in the smallest of bottles.  This was her way of telling us that large quantities in general do not necessarily mean better.  Therefore as we embark in 2013, I challenge you to look for all of the little things that can add so much value to you that you may end up with an abundance of things to celebrate when you get to December at the end of this year.  Your new perspective can change the world around you along with the people in it and you have the power to determine how you proceed.  My suggestion is to choose wisely, as you live, love, laugh and dream within the next twelve months ahead.  

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