Thursday, March 14, 2013

When things are going your way, there is a great feeling that invokes happiness and harmony that is almost unexplainable.  Those periods of time are the kind that we want to bottle into a container and hold for future days when a dab of favor would do all of us a little good.  Some examples that can bring these images to mind include; when you get the parking spot right in front of the store, the job that you aspired to get is all of a sudden open or you are offered a new position without expecting it.  Perhaps it is finding a lost dollar bill(s) in your coat or pocket that pays for your lunch or the movie that you wanted to see.  The instances are many, if you begin counting them and making an inventory of what went your way this day, this week or this month.  Accountants keep track of every single transaction that deals with a monetary exchange.  They can tell you at any given time how much money is coming in and how much money is going out, while providing you with your reality check of what your balance actually is.  I think we could adopt some best practices from the financial master minds of the world, by re-engineering how we keep track of the good that is part of our daily lives.  The world appears to be in much need of more inspiration from individuals that can bring to the table additional resources that are other than of a financial value.  The world tells us almost instantaneously how things are not going right at any given time.  We hear about tragedies and the people that are involved in committing such atrocities that it can make us wince to think that some terrible inexplicable thing has occurred that brings a collective sigh to us of potential defeat.  I believe that we can counter balance any type of negative thinking and we can turn to our own stored inventories into the impetus, that will help us move forward rather than taking steps back.  If we could dedicate some time to our ability to create some personal spiritual accounting of ourselves, we could soon see that our balances have more deposits than we thought we had.  In order to accomplish this, we need to take on this role and be committed to see that we are successful at it.  It all begins with taking those small steps such as writing down your notes to yourself of what has truly gone your way.  You can journal, meditate or write a reminder post-it note that you can place in your desk, to review at a later time.  Your diligence to "spiritual accounting" can make the difference between finding your life balance and we could all use more of that in our lives.

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