Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The feeling that exists when one is the intended receiver of a random act of kindness, can be life changing.  To me it serves as a great reminder that there is more good in the world than most would think is possible.  Some time ago, I was on my way home after a long day at work and I decided I was too tired to cook anything once I got there.  I went into a nearby restaurant with a drive through window and upon the conclusion of my order as I drove forward to pay for my meal, the customer service person advised me that my dinner had been paid for by the driver ahead of me.  In that moment, I did not know what to say other than to utter the words, thank you.  As I drove away, I tried to remember what type of car was in front of me or what the person driving it looked like.  I did not have much luck, as I was not fully concentrating on this while I was looking at what I was going to order.  It needless to say made my day, my week and still brings me joy.  Every time I think of this, I smile as the experience provided for me a wonderful example that although humanity in the world can appear to be cold, distant and not fully connected at times, in this instance it was.  I also heard of another story today of a waitress who was serving some customers at a restaurant.  As she was serving these people she began to engage in some small talk about her intention to some day save enough money to go back to Italy, to visit some relatives that she had not seen in years.  As those customers finished their meal and left the restaurant, the waitress went to pick up the check along with money they had left behind to cover their expense.  The bill for the meals was about sixty dollars, however, when she picked up the check and money there was a note attached that said "for your ticket to Italy".  To her surprise the customers left her a tip of one thousand dollars.  When I heard this story, it made my heart feel good that this type of generosity is in great existence.  Some people who did not know too many details about an individual, saw something in her that made them want to help in a very generous way.  They had the ability to do so and as a result, this waitress will never be the same because of this experience.  Now most of us do not have that type of discretionary income to leave that kind of tip, however, we are all capable of helping in our own meaningful way.  The next time you think about the best day that you had and when it brings a smile to your face, think about the possibility of doing something random that can bring the same type of cheer to a person who crosses your path.  Knowing that you have this type of power and that you can use it for the good of others should be reason enough to be able to utilize it.  A kind act, a kind word or even a kind smile to someone that needs it can transform someone's regular day to a great day.  Allow yourself to be a catalyst to another person's happiness and your rewards will surely be multiplied within a matter of time.

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