Saturday, June 8, 2013

At times one has to be still enough to take in the moment in which you are living.  We have radical schedules, commutes, carpools and a variety of other things that we contend with all the time.  Aside from work and family, we are bombarded at all times via different methods of media, whether it is by cellular phone or via the internet. I believe it is important to take some time when we receive opportunities to meditate on where we are at, along with where we want to go.  Taking time to be still and listen to your inner thoughts that permeate through out the day can be a rejuvenating experience for your mind and soul.  We are our own toughest critic when it comes to self judgement about where we are and what he have accomplished.  Pulling and picking apart the things that did not go as well versus giving ourselves credit for finishing things could be a better approach.  There are many people who cannot take a compliment very well, as it points to an existing belief that what someone has achieved does not require extra attention.  We could all get better at receiving positive feedback rather than expecting the negative one that we usually come up with on our own.  In the state of meditation, you can let go of all of the negativity and simply take everything in, while you acknowledge how far you have traveled to get to where you are today.  Nobody has a journey through life that is uneventful.  While there are many times when we tend to be critical of the periods that caused painful memories, instead of concentrating on the beautiful moments that we were all lucky to be a part of.  The more you have gratitude for the things that you do have, the less one should be concentrating on those things that you don't.  It is a simple philosophy that can bring much more inner peace. Everything will come to you at the right time and the right place that is the ideal period for one to receive it.  Therefore we should all concentrate on being present, giving of our talents to others and allowing ourselves to be happy with the place we happen to be at.  One of my favorite quotes from Joyce Meyer, the famous spiritual leader states "I am not where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be".  Give yourself the credit you deserve and listen to what your heart and mind are telling you in those quiet moments.  You have achieved so much, so give yourself the opportunity to meditate and bask in what you have accomplished thus far.

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