Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nurture What Is Important To You

I read an article today that plainly stated that if you don’t know what’s important to you, you will do the things that are not. I thought that this was so powerful, that I decided that it deserved more of my time in exploring more of its meaning.  If you are busy with work, home or your children's activities, you may find that you are doing lots of things that may have various levels of importance at any given time.   We tend to focus on the burning issue at hand which can reveal more time is necessary to be spent on a particular issue.  Our priorities become blurred through out the day, week or month.  Although one may have begun the day with a specific action item in mind, it only takes a few fleeting moments to turn that into a completely new direction.  I have spoken before about our lack of discipline when it comes to putting ourselves first.  Therefore it begs a follow up conversation every so often, to see if the priorities in your life have gotten any better.  When you make a list of those things that are important to you, also make a list at the end of the week on the things that you spent the most time on.  If your lists are not matching up, then you have some work to do to correct this imbalance.  Getting lost in the areas of things that are non-important or less, can create a new task for you to figure out how you are going  to get yourself out of this place.  If you stick to your list of important things, you will slowly begin to filter those things that should have secondary or less significance, while you turn your attention and focus to the things that really matter to you.  Whether it is your health, family, finances or personal areas of development that you want to see flourish, it takes some time and dedication to get there.  Think about the seeds that are planted and the care, water and attention that are needed to bring it to full bloom.  It rarely happens as a result of an accident.  It is always well planned and calculated.  Therefore challenge yourself to do the same type of things in your life as it relates to your own fulfillment.  Spend more time where you need to and begin to eliminate the things that take you away from those significant items.  Prioritizing your life is an ongoing chore, yet, a necessary one.  With the right balance and attention, you will soon find yourself blooming just like the seeds that were planted some time ago.    

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