Friday, October 11, 2013

The End Of A Life's Journey

I watched an episode of a show that dealt with the loss of someone and they did a very good job of showing you the many stages of grief that people go through.  What I have learned is that if you get the privilege of living long enough on this earth, you will eventually go through an experience of loss that will shake you to your core.  In those moments, everything feels like a dream and a bad one at that.  It is a surreal experience to have to go through something such as this and for every individual the experience is as unique as the loved one they lost.  Most people learn the process of mourning through modeling which was learned from their family.  This is also why the process of grief is so vastly different among people.  Sudden loss versus anticipated loss, none of it ever makes sense at the moment that it occurs.  What the heart and mind are trying to reconcile in those instances is that there will never be another opportunity for a person to say one last word or give one last hug to that person or have the opportunity to say goodbye on their terms.  The moment of saying goodbye has always taken a sentimental and emotional turn that one wishes did not have exist.  We all know that nobody lives forever, yet we get lulled into this false sense of security that those that you may consider your rock or that mean the most in your life will forever be by your side.  The realization that this is not true inevitably shows up to remind us of how life is ultimately constructed in a fragile way.  It does not happen right away, however, little by little one begins to piece the life that is now gone with wonderful and happy memories that at times betrays your joyful emotional state.  Time marches on then as the new sunrise shows up outside your window, there are rays of hope that can flicker in between the curtains or blinds that help remind one based upon their beliefs that perhaps you can look forward to a happy reunion one day.  Until then, we have to be resolved to keep the memories of those people that meant so much, by honoring what they would have wanted one to do in their absence.  To be able to enjoy your own life, continue to laugh out loud and do things that would make them even more proud of the person that you were able to become, as a result of their influence on you.  Missing an individual can last a lifetime, however, filling in the emptiness with other meaningful relationships or work in honor of those that are no longer here can be something to strive for.  Loss and grief cannot be avoided, however, one must remember that the celebration of a person's life can last a lifetime.  Try to focus on the many wonderful memories that have left beautiful imprints in your heart and remember that life is in fact precious and truly a gift to be cherished at all times.    

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