Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am revisiting a published article from last Fall today, I hope it encourages you on your journey. 

Inventing Your Life

“Think Of The Possibilities”


Rob Claudio

 My favorite time of year, is that of the Fall season.  I enjoy looking at the leaves turn into vibrant colors, the smell in the morning of the cold nippy air and the chilly evenings that paint the sky and brighten up the stars.  I always like to think that with different seasons, there comes a new perspective.  We grow older with each season and hopefully a bit more wiser as we learn from what has transpired in our lives before.  I always think of the possibilities of what a season brings to my life.  Sometimes those seasons are met with some test of my will and other times, the seasons bring me a much desired new beginning.  I have noticed over the years that those around me with negative thinking, I tend to slowly filter out of my life.  Frankly, I find myself not having the time or patience for them.  For those people with a perspective of “a glass have empty”, it has been a lifetime of work to get there.  I believe, it takes quite a bit of effort to think more negatively than it does to think more positively.  I do not want to hear about problems an limitations, I see those every night on the news.  What attracts me are those that speak, possibility, as it energizes me and provokes a more creative thought process.  Negative thinking also blows things out of proportion, as it makes problems seem larger and much more difficult than they really are.  Sometimes it may appear that if you are the only person with an optimistic outlook, you may be standing alone among your family, friends or co-workers.  Do not let that detract you.  I have found that you have to be true to yourself and your beliefs.  If thinking possibilities is not a welcome topic of conversation among your circles, then perhaps you have out grown some of those.  I have seen a familiar saying over the years in various inspirational material that says, “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”.  I am sure you have seen this as well.  I believe that we tend to stay with what is comfortable and as such, we sometimes stay among those that were meant for only a season.  I hope that you begin to use your human filter wisely and take inventory of those things where the season ended long ago.  Make it a priority to embrace those things or people that enrich your life.  We work and live our lives at such a fast speed, that we need to ensure that we put ourselves first.  As such, your possibilities will multiply and hopefully you will enjoy a more fulfilled life.  May you enjoy the Fall season as much as I do.  Remember when you see a Fall leaf or feel the cool morning or evening air, may it remind you that your possibilities are endless.  It is your life and your story!

 “Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities”
-Terry Josephson

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