Friday, April 20, 2012

Renewed, refreshed and revitalized.  There are times when you need to recharge your batteries in order for your mind and body to work as optimal as possible.  There are many ways to do this, you can sleep in, read a good book, watch a film or program that inspires you.  The point is that you do have to make time for it.  Especially if you are a person with a lot of things to do and lots of responsibilities.  For me the ability to do this is best done in what I call, my quiet time.  There is no television or music or other distracting noise.  It is simply me.  Most of the time it is a walk by myself outdoors that helps me meditate and clear my mind.  Every so often I need to go to the beach and just sit by the water and take it in.  Watching the crashing waves and the faint noise of birds chirping or flying by, not only calms me down but also helps inspire me.  I hope that you take the time today to do something that helps you feel renewed and ensure that you set some time to do it consistently.

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