Saturday, May 12, 2012

I read a quote once that said, "Don't give up on someone's hopes and dreams, it can be all that they have left".  This was such a powerful statement to me.  Our hopes and dreams are the catalyst for what we want to achieve for ourselves or for our loved ones.  We also carry these with us from generation to generation.  If you think back at where our ancestors came from, almost all of them came from a different country.  We are the great melting pot as a result and because of our great diversity, we are an even greater country for it.  Those ancestors took a risk in leaving what they knew behind and took their hopes and dreams with them on a great journey to this country we call America.  I believe that you have to have a vision for your dreams in order for them to become reality.  What will it look like or feel like when you have made a dream come true.  People make vision boards with all of the things that they want to see in their lives and I think that is also a powerful tool.  It all begins with a thought, a dream or a desire that speaks to your heart & soul. For our ancestors it may have come out of necessity for their circumstance, however, they never looked back. Remember the legacy of your forefathers living inside of you and don't give up on your hopes and dreams or those of anyone that you know.  Anything is possible!

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