Monday, May 7, 2012

Today I am revisiting a previously published column on creativity.

Inventing Your Life

“Personal Creativity”


Rob Claudio

I recently read an article from one of my favorite authors and speakers, Dr. John C. Maxwell, regarding creativity.  He started off with an eye catching title, which stated “It takes a lot of creativity to deal with reality!”.  This made me think and say to myself, how true!  As we begin a new year and we look forward to prosperous personal and professional growth, it reminds me that it takes quite a bit of personal tools to help achieve the many goals and various challenges that lie ahead.  The interesting thing about creativity, is how many people may not associate themselves as having this particular attribute.  I think most people associate creativity with people that are artistic in nature.  What we have to remember is that a lot of our everyday problem solving has a lot of creativity in it.  I know that I don’t have all the answers to everything, yet, when presented with a particular challenge or issue, if the answer does not come to mind right away, I look for a creative approach to solve it.  Don’t you find it amazing what can be accomplished when you are backed up against the wall?  How many times have you come through a particular challenging time and look back afterwards, wondering how did I do that?  Dr. Maxwell, states “Creativity is the joy of not knowing it all”.  The joy of not knowing it all refers to the realization that we seldom if ever have all the answers.  We always have the ability to generate more solutions to just about any problem.  Being creative is being able to see or imagine a great deal of opportunity to life’s problems.  

I do believe that in many instances, when you are faced with a particular issue, that allowing yourself some time to contemplate it, before you come up with a decision can get your creative juices flowing.  For me, creativity was born out of necessity at times.  I can recall many years ago when I attended training on “Excellence”, which I later did on my own.  The reason I even stepped into the role of trainer, was that we did not have enough budget to send more than two people to this training.  I knew my staff would benefit greatly, however, I had to figure out a way to share the information with all of them.  Hence, I took on the role of a trainer and decided to deliver the message with my own customization.  It was an opportunity that led me to a continued great passion of mine in finding training that motivates people both at work and beyond.

I firmly believe that when problems arise, possibilities and opportunities come with them.  As you strive towards achieving your goals this year, remember to exercise your creativity.  Also, give yourself more credit for having this ability.  You don’t have to be an artist, designer, singer or musician to be included among those with this talent.     My best wishes to all of you for those challenges you may have had last year and hope that they become the catalyst for the new and improved opportunities that await you in this New Year!

“Creativity is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought”.  –Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

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