Thursday, June 14, 2012

Many years ago I utilized a training video call "FiSH".  It is a video that depicts the workers at a famous Seattle fish market. As simple as this video was, it always generated a lot of positive response from people.  If you think about a fish market it may not be the first place that comes to mind when you are thinking about an ideal work location.  Working in a fish market means you have to be there before the sun rises, you must get used to the fish odor and because it is fresh fish the temperature is always cold, so the conditions are not the most ideal.  These workers showed you the best attitude, while being present with their customers, they made people's day and they chose to have a positive attitude when they showed up for work.  Depending on where you are at today, perhaps you may not be enjoying your job or maybe you are looking for a new one, conditions are not always perfect.  Strive to be present in your day regardless of where you are at and choose a good attitude, while trying to make someone's day.  The philosophy behind this now world renowned fish market is something that we can all learn from.  Work within the conditions that you find yourself in and seek to make the best of your circumstance while you await a needed break through.  In due time you will see the fruits of your labor.

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