Monday, June 18, 2012

The term compassion has at its core the strong desire to alleviate the suffering.  We have many examples of people in history that showed this characteristic in such large volumes that they achieved a status far above their regular peers.  I watched a video on the life of Mother Teresa last year, who was asked to describe her mission of helping the poor and the less fortunate.  Her response is among my most favorite quotes I have ever heard.  She stated, "I am am simply a pencil in God's hand".  There are have been very few people like her that embodied the true meaning of this word.  I believe that we can all aspire to achieve more of this trait.  There is always someone in need and we can do a multitude of things that could demonstrate some of the compassion inside of us.  This is one quality that I firmly believe that we all have in our make up.  We can demonstrate compassion for people, children or even animals.  There plenty of opportunities for us to exercise this quality and you can begin at any time if you have not already done so.  Volunteer some time to your favorite charity, house of worship or a shelter that can benefit from your talents.  Bringing harmony and peace to yourself can be as simple as showing compassion for someone else in need.  We can demonstrate to the future generations that we were kind and good to one another, no matter what the headlines chose to say.

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