Inventing Your Life
Rob Claudio
As we have begun a new year filled with hope and
anticipation, its daily reminders weave in some threads of apprehension. If you
read the newspapers or go on-line to see the headlines of the world, you will
find plenty of stories that can make you feel like your issues or problems are
small and unworthy in comparison. How do we begin to pick up the pieces when so much has transpired over the last
year? We do it one day at a
time. If you were to go back over the last year over the
periods of time that you found were to be the most challenging, most people
would think to themselves that they cannot believe they got through as much as
they did. Just ask someone who has lived through a life threatening illness or perhaps experienced it
within their family. Time for those individuals appeared to have stood still as
the days slowly turned the pages of their lives. In reading Eckhart Tolle’s
best selling book, “A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” there are
many chapters devoted to the peeling of layers we need to do as human beings in order to live in the moment and not dwell so much in the past. One of the great lessons for me
in the book was in relation
to the topic of abundance. In it, he describes that for
those that
seek it, they must be willing to see the largest amount of
abundance in the smallest of things. Most would think that abundance comes in
the form of financial well being; however, when you ask someone who has been
ill for some time, they can tell you that an abundance of good health would be on the
top of their list. In order for me to demonstrate how this topic showed its
relevance in my life, I have to tell you a quick story about an iris. Almost
ten years ago, I received as a gift a large iris bulb to plant outside my house. I had seen these flowers before
and I had always thought they were pretty majestic and very
colorful. I was excited and planted my iris with much enthusiasm, with hopes
that it would bloom in the spring later that year. Spring came and turned into
summer, which then brought me back to the fall when I started this process. Still no flower
emerged. I lost track after the second
year and then I had to move to Orange
County for a new job. I was intent on leaving the iris in the flower bed in front of
my house as the moving truck was busy loading my furniture. However, I thought
about it long enough and decided it should make the trip with me and proceeded
to dig it up. In my new home I planted it again and several long leaves emerged
giving me hope that it’s time had come… but still no bloom. I figured, it would at some
point decide when it was time and this would be my own personal test in
patience with nature. After five years at that location I moved once again and
I took my iris with me, since I figured it was now a lifetime commitment. Since my last move, it has been
almost two years and the many plants on my patio surround the planted iris.
Well, earlier this week when watering all of them I almost fell back when I
noticed a long stock growing and three small bulbs attached to it… after all of
these years, it was finally time. The colors are vibrant purple and blue as it now towers over the rest of
the plants. I have taken a moment each day since then, to admire the abundance
in this flower that has been with me now for so long. I am not sure how long it
will continue to bloom and if it will multiply like most do, in the future seasons to
come. What I do know is that I had to learn to appreciate it over the years,
even when it did not bloom and never losing hope that it would some day. I hope that the New Year 2009 brings
you renewed hope in all that transpires around you and my best wishes that you have
all of the abundance that you seek on a daily basis!

“Do not anticipate trouble, or
worry about what may never
happen. Keep in the sunlight.”
– Benjamin Franklin
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