Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today I was reminded about new beginnings.  The example I received was when they begin and appear more complicated at the onset.  At different times a lot of us have been in situations where we began something new and felt a sense of excitement and that it was going to change our lives.  Conversely, we never know what lies at the onset of change that can cause us to pause and question if the change was good.  I believe that there  is divine purpose for everything, so what one was meant to go through has a larger and more complex meaning later on.  That does not mean that we still don't feel apprehension during those periods of time.  This is when we have to keep calm and listen to what our heart is telling us, as opposed to what our brain may be mixing up in our head.  It is easy to feel discouraged when things don't go our way, however, we must be persistent in staying focused on those things that are most important.  Give less attention to the small things and allow yourself to continue to embrace your new beginning.  Sometimes looking at it from a different perspective will enable you to make more sense of what is going on.  If you are resolved and diligent in your journey, you will succeed in arriving to your desired destination.

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