Saturday, August 11, 2012

Last night I was watching the Olympics and I was fascinated by one of the men's relay races.  I was so inspired by a runner from South Africa who ran with two prosthetic legs as the anchor runner for his country's team.  Much has been made about his overcoming a substantial disability to live his Olympic dream among the other able bodied runners.  I thought about about it last night and this morning, how this person who was born with an abnormality that caused him to lose his legs as a child,yet, lived and triumphed as a young man who to himself bared no disability.  Wouldn't it be great if we could live our lives without ever thinking we had any shortcomings and proving to any naysayers that we can overcome and achieve what we set out to do?  I know that this runner must have had his share of challenges, however, the world saw only his prevailing determination and will as a top world athlete.  I believe everyone of us has those qualities, we just have to get better at summoning them as we set forth to conquer our goals.  There are many examples among us that show us that everything is possible.  With strong will and determination along with a good dose of faith, we all have the ingrained recipe that can bring us desired results.  During the tougher days we need to stay focused and not talk ourselves out of things that we need to go through.  Look for small victories along the way that can act as a compass as you set sail for the destination that your heart desires.  Most Olympic athletes began their lives in a non Olympic fashion.  Very few of us are born in surroundings that guarantee worldly success.  I am certain that one of the determining factors for these athletes was their level of support that fostered their dreams.  There are many people around you that can be your willing fans and will cheer you on as you proceed in your race towards achievement.  What we all share is the human will to succeed and it can make us strive for greatness.  Allow yourself the opportunity of achievement in your goals and be resolved, have patience and be persistent in your determination to be the winner of your own race.

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