Friday, November 30, 2012

There are moments in our busy everyday lives that bring us to a complete stop and we have to contemplate the situation that we happen to find ourselves in.   The best one's are related to when you are issued a compliment that was completely unexpected and you find yourself quite grateful for the words that cheered you up and put a pep in your step.  I had one of those moments earlier today and out of the blue I received a note from someone at the other end of the state, that made me feel that I was doing what I am supposed to be doing.  These moments don't happen as frequently as one one would like and more importantly on the days that one actually needs to have a boost of energy on a particularly tough day.  Then there are those moments that can take our breath away for completely the wrong reason.  A negative comment or an experience that is less than what is considered optimal.  Luckily, for most people those moments can be quite infrequent as well.  The question then becomes how to have a better balance of a day, week, month or year, when one can take a look at their personal inventory of all of these moments?  That is also why I value the very small comments or gestures that some people make that can mean the world to someone.  As an example, I saw a picture on a message relating to the great attributes that pets bring into the lives of their owners.  This particular picture had a very young girl in a wheelchair, that appeared to be at a hospital and was undergoing chemo-therapy.  The dog that was next to her in the wheel chair had its head leaning against her and the caption read, "no words".  That moment of inspiration from that little girl and her beloved pet, as quickly as I glanced at it, added so much value to my day.  My hope is that people learn to filter all of these moments that make up their lives and that they also are getting better at the arithmetic involved with how a balanced formula of living well looks like.  Keep count of the great moments and revisit often.  For the other side of that count, then look at its significance in comparison to someone that may be dealing with a long term illness, personal relationship issues or a financial burden.  When you look at those things together, you will realize that your positive moments can outshine all of the others in an instant make you feel even more grateful for the life that you do have today.    

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