Saturday, December 1, 2012

The moment after a storm has passed, there is a period of quiet that lends itself to a meditative and contemplative state.  I always think of the movies in which these larger than life events can occur in places like the South Pacific or an a deserted island, where the palm trees bend almost in half in a severe gale force wind.  It is usually dark and visibility always seems very limited and one can only hope that the storm passes soon, so that that the apprehension involved with the damage that the storm can cause is finally over.  To me this is very similar to our own lives, when we may be in the middle of such a volatile time that we are the one's that could play the lead character in our own film, about the great storm that surrounds us.  They always advise people to keep calm and remain steady during such periods.  I know that it sounds a lot easier said than done, as we like to be in control of our own situations.  However, I have found over the years that it takes a lot out of you, if you are constantly trying to find the solution to a particular problem, that sometimes you have very little control over.  This is when you have to trust that the storm has come for a reason and that you have to learn as much as possible, in order for you to burst through and arrive at the other side.  I always look for the rainbows that can occur as a storm is diminishing, as it reminds me that there can be beauty and wonder after something that could be so potentially dangerous.  If you find yourself in such a place, know that others have been there before and plenty of success stories exist of those that have weathered such a state.  Envision the rainbow or the burst of sun that happens after the storm passes and see yourself absorbed in that light that can lift your mind, body and spirit.  Remember that storms don't last forever and neither will the place that you may happen to find yourself in.  Be patient, stay focused and soon enough you will find yourself contemplating the beauty that surrounds you as you forget the dark place that you just came from.

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