Thursday, March 28, 2013

I watched a great video this afternoon that had concepts that could be related to leadership, inspiration or just plain living.  It is called "WE" and it was developed by a leadership organization called G5.   I found their material to be very refreshing and thought provoking as it presented the concept of our world needing to shift from "ME" to "WE".  The fact that they started with that concept, was tantalizing enough as I believe that there is a lot of energy in the world that is completely absorbed by the "ME" philosophy.  When you concentrate on "ME", you are excluding the possibility that you can contribute more by being part of a team.  This self centered type of thinking can be the downfall of many.  The concept of being stronger due to the interdependence of others has created change over the years that has stood the test of time.  Movements in history have been established and become part of our long term legacy due to someone who banded together with someone else for a common cause.  Then on the other hand, the examples of "ME" have surpassed what one could have thought was possible, as it relates to what we are fed via mainstream media.  Just look at the many reality shows, that are edited and staged, which present their view of reality while attracting quite a few people to watch them.  So much so, that advertisers are making money and people with little or no talent, have now become famous celebrities.  At the end of the day and perhaps after their fifteen minutes of fame are up, these individuals must face themselves in the mirror, while they take stock of who they really are along with what it is that they are contributing to this world.  Young people seemed to be obsessed with "ME" to a large extent and I can understand why, as it has become very mainstream to have people follow your every move, which some believe is part of fame.  The vehicles that are used to publicize someone's philosophy, products or points of view, are now used daily to tell people what they are wearing, what they are eating or where they are waiting and spending idle time.  Most would think that technology would have provided us with these vehicles to be able to foster or nurture the human experience in a positive way. However, everyone has been a witness to the contrary nature of most of this vehicle.  We as a people could be so much more powerful if we put forth more "WE" energy and we could provide for a better foundation for our existing children to look forward to in their adult years.  Think about what you are doing at work, home or in your community as a start and ask yourself which philosophy is driving your life.  Challenge yourself to go from a "ME" to "WE", so that you can sleep better at night and as you think about what the future has in store for you.  Finally, I leave you with a final quote from Simon Sinek in this presentation which states the following; "Things last longer when we compete against ourselves for the good of others, instead of competing against others for the good of ourselves."

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