Tuesday, March 26, 2013

There was an interesting question posed to me today regarding the clarity of the message in how we communicate.  We as the deliverer of a message always know exactly what we believe we are relaying to someone else, however, we are not always as clear in knowing that a message was as precise to the receiver.  A great example is to ask someone that you have just given directions to, to reiterate what you just said.  In a matter of moments, it is likely that you will receive some words repeated back to you that may be quite different from what you felt you stated.  The clarity of what you state is also quite evident in what you want to achieve in your own goals and expectations.  If you are vague about what you want to achieve, then you will probably receive equally vague results.  It is not that you do not know what you want to achieve in most accounts, there is usually an issue more relative to how specific you want your outcome to be.  As a result, I have great admiration for someone who is a scientist, mathematician or engineer.  The fact that that their outcomes are associated with very specific formulas to solving a problem or equation, provides for answers with great methodology .  If the outcome is not correct, then there was something wrong in the formula or the equation that created the incorrect answer.  Unlike life where there are variables that can change the outcome of our own personal equation.  We can certainly learn a thing or two about having that sense of precision that can create the circumstance that we want to see manifested.  The next time you are sitting down and reviewing what your goals, achievements or aspirations are, then be clear in what you want to see as your outcome.  Be as precise as possible in your description and don't think any detail may be too much.  Also, don't get stuck in the "what if's" that can occur to us quite frequently as we plan ahead.  Instead, focus on your specific vision that you have for yourself.  If you can vividly imagine what your future outcome is in your mind, you are giving yourself a great opportunity to achieve success.  Turn your vision into action and you will see that you can achieve things much quicker than you originally thought.

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