Saturday, June 1, 2013

One of the lessons that is taught in the book written by Ben and Ros Zander "The Art of Possibility', is to give people an A to live up to.  The translated version of this example is to not pre-judge others and to let them live up to a higher expectation than they could imagine for themselves.  I believe that we could be a better balanced world if we were to practice this philosophy on a consistent basis.  Many people were brought up with various points of view that were taught to them from their parents.  Some were good ones, while others perhaps not so good and those can take years of living on your own to finally do away.  For the most part fear of the unknown or not understanding someone that is different from who you is at the core of the issue.  If we were to live the kind of life that would propel us to automatically think the best of someone before you even met them, things could be radically different.  Having a higher expectation for someone and allowing them to live up to that or even exceed it would make for lots of people living in the state of excellence.  We could all think up of many excuses as to why we have not done this already or perhaps some people think that they have lived with this philosophy for quite some time.  Regardless we could all do towards living in a way that can fulfill this philosophy.  As parents want nothing but the best to happen for their own children, we could also expect the same for the people that surround us in our lives.  Our family members, co-workers, friends and neighbors alike could benefit from us knowing that we want only the best for all of them and that we expect them to achieve it.  Let go of any thinking that causes you to think poorly of someone around you or if someone has made a mistake in the past, believe that they have learned their lesson and that they will be better as a result.  We cannot change other people's behavior, but we can change ours so that people then interact with us differently.  Do not retain anything that would make you think negatively of someone because of their past.  Remember that mistakes are made daily and they do not discriminate in that we are all subject to a lesson ourselves.  Give people compliments and tell them directly into their eyes when given the opportunity.  You could be be the catalyst for how the world can begin to change around you.  When we all truly allow others to be their best and do their best, the results can become trans-formative for years to come.

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