Saturday, January 18, 2014


Today I am sharing a new column that will be published next month.

Inventing Your Life



Rob Claudio

As I contemplate the beginning of this New Year, I think about the benefit everyone can have from having a fresh start.  In particular, if you had a tough year recently, then consider this as your opportunity to look for ways to manifest better things that you desire for your life.  Although I have talked about planning for one’s own transformation in past columns, I wanted to touch upon an important subject that relates to one’s ability to receive the changes that one is planning for.  I learned through meditation the great benefits which can occur through calculated breathing and taking long deep breathes that are cleansing to your body, mind and soul.  When I began my first sessions, I initially noticed that I was trying to breathe similarly to when you go see your doctor with a bad cough or flu.  I was taking long deep breaths, however, it felt like I was waiting to see if I had a wheeze as I exhaled.  It took a few times before I could fully be in the moment and let go of that self consciousness that I was not testing for allergies or some other respiratory problem.  I noticed that after several minutes my own body fell in sync with my deep breathing and I could feel myself completely relax.  During this process I also realized that the breathing provided for this existential release that my mind and body needed, in order for the meditative experience to come full circle.  I found all of this relatable to the process of being prepared to accept change in your life. In thinking about what you want to see in your future, whether it is improved health, better finances or perhaps improved relationships, one must perform their own cleansing breath of sorts to get rid of all the prior issues that may still be lingering.  In order to take that deep breath and set your transformative energy to move forward, there is a releasing that must occur for one to be capable of new acceptance.  Think about the things that still bother you, whether there are relationships that you need to bring closure to or forgiveness for yourself for the short comings that were part of your past.  This is your opportunity to address those things and put them behind you.  If you can see a picture of yourself ahead in the distance with the things that you want in your life, then I hope that you are not distracted by looking in your rearview mirror to remind yourself of the mistakes or errors that were part of your distant past.  Remember that everything that you have done previously has brought you to your current state of being today. Concentrate on the fact that you learned many lessons that have gotten you to this stage in your life and don’t feel guilty or retain any regrets.  Acknowledgement of an error simply means that you have grown enough to understand the difference between doing what is wrong and doing what is right, especially now that you know better. Give yourself the time and space to acknowledge the things that still bother you and finally get to the point that you are able to release what is no longer adding value to your life.  Your goals ahead may appear much closer than you think, if you concentrate on the fact that acceptance of the better and brighter you, is tied to leaving the less optimal you behind.          
"Forgiveness is a funny thing.  It warms the heart and cools the sting."
-William Arthur Ward

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