Saturday, January 25, 2014

Self Validation

I watched a video on YouTube some time ago, that provided a great example for how people get caught up in trying to obtain validation from others.  It brought to mind how we are conditioned since our youth to seek this in order to fulfill an inherent need that we are okay.  Understandably as a child one needs more guidance and formulation as the early years in one's life have a definite impact on how the rest of your life will turn out.  What I find even more interesting is that as we reach adulthood, the people that we had turned to for validation also shifts.  Some gravitate back to their parents, while others choose their best friends or confidants as the go-to people in their lives.  If you got married or are in a long term relationship, then it is your spouse or partner in life that may be the one to fulfill this role.  I have also seen children become the example of validation to a parent as well, so it is interesting that this particular relationship can go full circle.  Where I find there is lots of room for improvement is in the area of self validation.  This is when one can get to the point of looking in the mirror and being okay with the person that they see staring back at them.  To me self validation is finding that happy medium where you no longer are so self critical of yourself, as you seek ways to further improve upon what you already have.  I know that is easier said than done, however, one should consider the consequence of not addressing this behavior.  The world is hard enough on all of us with the many things that come our way.  Whether they are life issues or other things that can deflate your sails at times, one has to have the ability to regroup and continue forward on their respective journeys.  Imagine what your world could be like if you were to like yourself more, did not listen to unwelcome and unflattering criticism, while focused on being the type of person you have always aspired to?  Ideally, this is the world that one should be living in and if you are not there yet, then perhaps it is time to re-set your sails towards a different destination.  Don't pull yourself apart so much that there is very little that you can be proud of.  Instead, focus on the many things that you do well, those things that you like about yourself and then make a short list of the items that you will begin to change in the near future.  Your self validation is much more important than those that you seek outside of who you are, so give yourself the opportunity to achieve a sense of satisfaction about who you have become.  Remember to keep marching forward towards your desired goal and let the rumblings of those that should play less importance in your life go by the wayside.  In the end, your happiness will be much more fulfilled as your ship finally arrives to the illusive port that you may have had a hard time reaching.  

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