Sunday, April 20, 2014


For a lot of people of the Christian faith, Easter Sunday is a great day that has deep meaning and marks a joyful day that is etched in time.  One of the greatest things to meditate on for me is the meaning of what arising and awakening can truly mean on this special day.  If you have had cluttered thoughts about a number of different issues, many times one is looking forward to that moment of clarity when things can finally make some sense.  The wait for clarity can be long sometimes, which makes one wonder about whether they will ever see the right solutions manifest themselves.  This is when one clings to their core beliefs and has blind faith at times about what an expected outcome will look like.  It is most interesting when you see someone arrive at clarity in a very short amount of time and you may still be on the sidelines waiting for your breakthrough to occur.  Having a grateful heart in those instances towards others may be difficult to process as well.  The strengthening among people is what actually makes those periods so remembered, as time moves on one call always recall a dark stormy period when the challenge seemed unbearable.  Think about the moments after a great struggle and the elation that can fill your heart and spirit that then elevates you to new heights.  This is when you realize that as much as a struggle may have captivated your strength, time and energy, you will end up being much better as a result.  The issue that most of us has is with the time factor associated with any period of growth.  Just like we would all love to have a magic pill that could eliminate all the extra pounds that we don't need overnight, the reality is that it takes time to work towards the end goal of this and other similar journeys.  As you think about a goal that you are looking to achieve in your life, focus on what the catalyst is for your awakening moment.  Normally, one has contemplated changes for a period of time then something strikes you that provides the impetus to follow through on a change.  Instead of waiting for that magical or inspirational moment, begin walking towards your goal, even if it means taking those small steps daily.  Consistency in your steps is what gets you to the final goal and if you step backwards or stop the momentum at any given time, learn to forgive yourself, dust yourself off and then continue your journey.  Your awakening is held in the power of your own thoughts, so don't be your own detractor.  If you celebrate Easter Sunday with your family and friends in your own places of worship and afterwards in your homes, remember that this day can have additional meaning for you if you put your mind and heart behind your actions.

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