Sunday, April 13, 2014

Shifting Sand

When you see films and they show a desert sand dune, one can be immediately transported to that location which appears to be solemn and perhaps desolate.  Then there is usually wind that sweeps the sand up in the air and transports those particles that end up re-forming the shape of the dune that has been there for a marked period of time.  I grew up in the desert and I never paid much attention to visiting the local dunes outside of my home town when I was young.  My appreciation for this landscape grew as my age did and when I have the opportunity to stop by on those home visits, I walk out in the middle of what appears to be nowhere and I can feel calmness and peace in the midst of these creations.  I also think about the many tiny particles of sand that make up this vast desert landscape and similar to an ocean that has many drops of water, the surrounding dunes are the land version of a calming sea.  For me the feeling of being home now as an adult brings me such a different perspective than what I remember as I was growing up.  When I was young I wanted to not live in this part of the world as I found it boring, as most children do about their home life.  Because the town I was from was small and rather remote in comparison to metropolitan areas, I thought that we were missing out on the things that went on the big cities.  I would watch as the caravans of RV's would drive by town  on the weekends with their off road vehicles and would wonder out loud why people would drive so far to a place that did not have the creature comforts of the urban sprawl.  I thought these people must be missing something, until I grew up and realized what it was that they were seeking.   When you leave the hustle and bustle of big city life, there is a sense of unwinding that can take place as you let go of traffic, busy intersections and hassling with big crowds at a crowded mall.  In the desert, you have none of that and at night the stars shine so clearly that you realize that you are missing out on some of natures beauty, when it paints the sky dark and the twinkling appears before you.  Through meditation I can now find my own space at home that can take me to that place of inner peace that can be so readily found in a desert landscape.  I appreciate so much having been brought up in that type of environment, as I believe that it provided me with an inner calmness that is a constant in my life.  For a child or even an adult the issue of the grass is always greener someplace else can spring up from time to time.  However, when you have true gratitude for  your life and where you came from, you can really appreciate the foundation even more as time goes on.  Whether you are from the big city or from a small little town, remember to be grateful that you had a place that you called home and cherish the memories that were created whi6le you were there.

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