Sunday, April 6, 2014

Selective Inventory

There are many things that make my heart happy.  When I was contemplating the things that make me smile, I could not categorize or put a specific number of what those are.  Yesterday afternoon I was outside watering my plants when I heard the laughter of children from the neighbors house and that in itself made me smile.  Then they were playing a game of red light green light, which quickly took me back to my elementary school days.  I stopped there for a moment and recalled the days of my youth when a simple game like the one these children were playing was simply joyful.  We all have many memories stored inside of us where we have a created a full library of items, that we can all check in and check out at any given time.  Because we grow older our library always is filling up with brand new memories that were not there before, yet the feelings that these memories have provide us with similar emotions that are similar to other periods in our life.  As I thought about my life's library of moments that are etched enough that I can recall them in a snap, I find that many are thankfully filled with happy emotions.  Not to say that there were not those others that were more challenging and less upbeat, I just choose to be selective and have no desire to check those particular volumes out.   If your life could use a bit more cheerfulness, then I suggest that you work on eliminating the dispirited memories that do not bring you joy or a smile to your face.  Clean out and spruce up your memories, so that your library holds only those pages or volumes of the things that fulfill you with true happiness.  Life is tough enough at times that one can easily begin filling their inventories with  cheerless instances, that will not necessarily bear the kind of fruit you wish to have in your life.  As you experience new things, think about how you will memorialize those instances within your happy or joyful inventory.  Save those that make you smile and wonder for the not so happy times, when you can use a good dose of something that can make you feel good in an instant.  

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