Sunday, May 11, 2014

Unconditional Love

When we give something it is considered a selfless act among people, where they receive some joy and satisfaction from seeing someone else feel good as a result.  It is interesting to look back at oneself, especially in the younger years of life and how giving may have had a different definition for you.  I can recall my childhood years and my biggest example of giving which I have said many times was my grandmother or "Nana" as I called her my entire life.  She was the best example in demonstrating how giving came with no strings attached.  However, I did not learn the true nature of this lesson until many years later as an adult.  When you see that someone comes from a pure place to give not only of themselves, but of their own hard work that may not have been much to begin with, it can change you forever.  I also recall other examples of going to a birthday party and that we had to buy a gift that was of equal value to the one we received at our own event previously.  It was the polite thing to do, however, this type of giving was a little more ego centered as opposed to coming from that pure place.  I was a good observer of all this and yet it still took many years for me to realize the true nature of these lessons.  When I think about those people that have given an organ in order to save the life of someone else, that type of giving is so monumental that it stands at the highest level of providing for somebody else.  What I have seen in my life with regards to individuals who come down with a life threatening illness, is that not everyone gets to have the second chance that everyone hopes for.  Then time marches on and we are able to see the gifts that were left behind by those that are no longer with us, with a much different perspective along with attributing a higher value to those meaningful contributions.  In my current state of being I see that giving should come as natural as any other reflex, as part of our existence is to help others that may need it.  Interestingly, I find that the joy in giving now is much greater and the residual effects last even longer.  As we celebrate Mother's Day today, I think it is a great day to celebrate those that gave us life along with those that played a motherly role in our lives.  When you think about an unconditional mother's love and the many sacrifices that they endure for their children, it reaffirms that those chosen to play this role are among the most special people in this world.  If you are lucky enough to still have your mother living, then ensure that you communicate your appreciation in a sincere and thoughtful way.  For those individuals whose mother is no longer here, then use this day to honor her through your wonderful memories and the great legacy that she left behind.  

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