Saturday, January 17, 2015


Today I am sharing a column that will be published in a couple of newsletters shortly.

 Inventing Your Life



Rob Claudio

When you think about what transpires within our lives during the course of a year, one just has to marvel at how much can take place along with the growth that came from each unique experience.  All of us grow towards being older and wiser with the passing of time and as the years progress, we hope to have also imparted some of our knowledge to others by way of the legacy we left behind.  Ideally we would like to see that our added years of life are getting us closer to being more of who we were meant to be.  One of my favorite ways to look at my own personal growth is to recall my younger years when I had many aspirations along with hopes and dreams of where I would be by the time I got to be a certain age.  As I think back to the dreams of my youth, I can recall having a fancy car, a large home with a swimming pool and being able to purchase what I wanted without thinking about the cost as part of my ideal goals. Then as I look at my life now, I find that my list of expectations have little to do with the materialistic items that my younger self wanted.  In observing what is happening in the world right now, I see great beauty in many places and people, while at the same time I see chaos and strife which can be conflicting to behold all at once.  It is difficult to accept sometimes that we as a people could not have moved our world more quickly to a better place by now, especially with the number of struggles that you see still occurring.  Therefore my hopes and dreams at this point have turned to those of living a more simplistic life that is filled primarily with the purpose of abundant inner peace.  As I think about the contributions that I make in this world, I feel even more interested in how I can help others that may need assistance.  I have learned that although we may be in a place at times where we require aid from others, there will always be people who are more in need than we are.  Not putting ourselves first and having gratitude for the many things that have created a bountiful life, from a personal perspective, have shown me what is of greater value at the end of each day and passing year.  My belief is also that my growth is similar to others, in that we as adults are living a life that is more in tune with what we really want for the remainder of our years on this earth.  Therefore, it is my continued hope that as we evolve through the coming years ahead, the layers that make up who we are keep peeling away to get us closer to the core of who we were truly meant to be. In addition, we would all be better served by leaving all of those other layers that no longer serve us in the past where they belong.  If you think about layers in those terms, think about how having more of them can weigh you down and as you eliminate them, you feel lighter and less bogged down.  As the year ahead carries new things for us to learn with lessons and other dynamic activity, we can also contemplate walking with a lighter step as we leave old issues, worries and items that have no more value in our distant past.  We should strive to be purposeful with good intentions while we walk towards our ideal goals.  In addition, remember to be helpful to others around you, as those actions can yield great results for people in need, while it bestows upon you a feeling of peaceful content.  Layers like those of a beautiful blooming flower, when they are shed, can showcase a more vibrant and amazing creation which can transform a life from ordinary to remarkable.    

Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told:
“I am with you kid.  Let’s go.”
-Maya Angelou

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