Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Staying Centered

Today I am sharing a column that will be published next month.

Inventing Your Life

“Staying Centered”


Rob Claudio

I saw a motivational quote a few days ago that described how character is built in us by how we behave when we have little in our lives and then how we act when the opposite is true.  I know that if you were to ask a wealthy person if having money has changed them, the answer most likely would be no.  Yet, we know that if you are living in a much more upscale neighborhood and money is not an issue for you, that one may have a different perspective about many things.  There are also lots of wealthy individuals such as Warren Buffet, who although he is among the richest men in the world, still lives in the same house before his immense wealth became synonymous with his life.  There are many individuals who day dream about having that type of lifestyle, however, we all know too well that money should not be the goal in our lives as it certainly can’t buy happiness.  What I think happens most frequently with those wealthy individuals, is that the people around them begin to change first, which then produces a varied chain reaction.  I do like what some of these famous wealthy people have done with their efforts to give back to their communities and through out the world, to make things better for others.  The folks that decided to live the rest of their lives in a philanthropic manner, some even pledging to give away their fortunes to worthy causes before they die, certainly merit our praise.  Having the capability to remain centered regardless of where one happens to find themselves in their life, is an attribute that we should all continue to integrate into everything that we do.  In order to achieve this with the best results, I see it similar to developing a daily routine that encompasses practice.  Whether it is the early morning or late evening, one has to find their quiet moments when gratitude is the centering thought.  Although you may not have achieved all of your goals as of yet, knowing that you are grateful for where you are and how far you have come, can be a daily indicator that keeps you progressing in the right direction.  Pay attention to your circle of support, as they will always have your best interest in mind and you need these folks to help lift you up. We all need to foster those relationships that contribute to our well being and enhance more of who we really are. Whether they are lifelong friends, a supportive family member or someone that you trust in all matters, one has to be appreciative of them and their unconditional love.  It would be interesting to ask some of the famous wealthy people in the world about their inner circle of support, as I believe that most would tell us that those individuals have probably been there long before their fame and fortune.  Your values also shape how you can maintain a state of being centered, as they represent what matters most to you.  The contributions that we make with our own time and discretionary money, say a lot about where some of those values may be.  Hopefully, those values are filled with perpetuating the good in others and helping those that have much less.  Communities are filled with people in need and one does not have to look very far, in order to find a worthy organization that merits your time and attention.  Plus, let us not forget the feeling of doing good deeds for the right reasons, as part of your true intentions that can help define a higher level of inner peace.  When you think about what a list looks like for staying centered, it actually does not have to appear to be very long when you finish itemizing it.  For many it can be very simple, short and to the point.  I would bet that most people have a short list filled with the things that are of most value to them.  Whatever it is that you aspire to achieve for the rest of your life, my wish for you is that your daily list of centered values stays prominently in a place that you can revisit it as your day goes by.  To paraphrase a famous quote that I heard a long time ago in my own family simply states, that we must pass from this life one day and none of us can take anything that we earned on this earth with us.  Hence, keep your perspective about the physical and material things, as you continue to build your list that is filled with items that are truly worth more than what money can buy.

“Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” 
Oprah Winfrey

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