Friday, May 12, 2023

Your Dreams and Reality

Several weeks ago, I saw a great story about the first black female journalist in the Western United States and her name is Belva Davis.  She is an extraordinary example of persevering to achieve your dreams and while she overcame so much as the first in her profession and geographic area of the country, her quote stood out like a beacon of light when I heard it.  "Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality.  If you can dream it, you can make it so".  Although her story is fascinating having to overcome so much in the world of television broadcasting that has been dominated by men, she blazed a trail for other women who would come after her.  That quote made me think about so many other things that I wanted to focus on as part of my column for this edition.  Just the thought that your dreams can become reality makes for some great thought-provoking conversation, even if you are by yourself.   When I first think about dreams, I go back to my childhood and remember wanting to live in a big house with a swimming pool and having all of the great amenities that could be afforded due to some form of wealth.  I think many of us can relate to having similar dreams.  Then as an adult the imaginative thoughts evolved to many other types of different things which included; peace, tranquility, serenity and health.  I know for a fact that my 10-year-old self would have never listed these things which I now cherish so much more.  Then when I heard Ms. Davis's quote, I was reminded about how many of our dreams do come true, however, the way they manifest themselves sometimes appear in different forms.  Think about the great dream of winning the lottery along with the items you have imagined you would buy with all of that new money. I used to joke with a co-worker of mine many years ago, that buying a $1.00 lottery ticket was way better than going to therapy.  With that one ticket, we could talk about all of our hopes and dreams along with what a better life we would have as a result.  I also recall during my college days and I would watch the TV show "Cribs" on MTV.  You would peek into these mansions of famous people with so many extravagant things inside along with a garage of luxury vehicles.  My college roommates and I would talk about how we too would have something like that once we graduated and moved on to our adult chapters.  Now I just smile at the many thoughts that ran through our underdeveloped minds and how things are much different now.  Yet, this quote from Ms. Davis resonates strongly, in that speaking something into the universe that you really want does come from a powerful place.  I also realized some time ago, that in order to make dreams turn into reality one should be very specific.  I had many dreams that came true in my life, however, in looking back over the years, I realized that I lacked specificity for many of the things which did occur.  What has not changed is that you do have control over what you want to achieve in your life.  Much of what we want does eventually come to us, although usually it is a result of lots of hard work and dedication.  Other items take longer periods of time while utilizing habitual practice before one finally sees an outcome.  What cannot be lost in all of this is that one must continue to have dreams as life is not over, until we finally get to leave this earth and if you believe in it, you can look forward to the great beyond.  I hope that many of you remember the dreams that you had as a child, teen and adult.  Take inventory of the many items that you did manifest as a result and continue to keep your new dreams alive as well.  Always maintain bold dreams and your higher power, the universe, God or whomever it is that you put your greater level of faith in, will put things in motion for you.  Just understand that those items that are for your personal good are usually what comes to fruition.   Being thankful for the dreams that did not come true can also be another column all by itself, as many of us don't realize until much time has passed, that not all things end up adding value to our lives and some things just do not bring you anticipated happiness either.  Finally, I hope you spend some time thinking about Ms. Davis's words and how you can benefit from being bold in your dreams and then making them so.     

“Dreams are never just dreams; they are reality waiting to happen.”

- Sarah Burton

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