Saturday, October 20, 2012

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” This is the quote that I ran across today by Albert Camus.  As I ended a day with a dear old friend of mine, I was reminded how fortunate I am to have close friends that have been walking beside me since my childhood years.  The fact that one can call someone a friend is a sign that you are not facing the world alone and that you have at a moment's notice a good ear with a big heart waiting to hear you.  A really good friend does not need to hear an excuse as to why you have not spoken to them recently.  A good friend simply picks up the conversation as if time had stood still from the last time that you communicated with each other.  It is truly a blessing to have that circle of people around you that can be part of your support network.  Life can be distracting enough with work, school, kids and other priorities that chip away at the available hours in a day.  If you have not spoken to one of your good friends in a long time, then make an effort to reach out and catch up with that person. Remember that we can not regain any time that has been lost, we can only do better with the time that we do have left.   At the end of the day, remind yourself about how lucky you are to have these other people that are bonded with you like family.  A friend that sticks by you is like having a strong pillar to hold onto during the most severe storm.  Acknowledge the blessings that you have in these people that have been there since your foundation and will walk beside you through the rest of your life.

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