Saturday, October 27, 2012

My favorite type of bird, is a hummingbird for various reasons.  I believe they have some wonderful attributes as they are mighty for their size, they come in varied colors that are as bright as an artist's pallet and contributes to the pollination cycle that brings the miracle of life to nature outside our doors. Looking out of my living room this morning I was entertained by  a beautiful green hummingbird who gracefully danced in the wind as it swept over the blooming plants and flowers.  As fast as its wings were moving, the scene in front of me played out as if in slow motion.  I was captivated by the attention to detail that this lovely bird paid to the smallest of blooms around it.  The experience made me think about our own ability to pay attention to details in our lives.  Sometimes it is paying attention to the smallest details that can have the greatest impact.  When presented with an obstacle or barrier, we normally begin the problem solving process by going over our potential options whether on paper or in our minds.  Many times we attempt to solve an issue based upon the plan that we thought about, however, at times we are challenged by the fact that we did not pay enough attention to a particular detail in our plan.  In fairy tales and other fables, there are many examples of how a victory or a happy ending to a tale was reached by someone who had the answer to their dilemma by focusing on a particular detailed element.  Therefore today's hummingbird example for me becomes a reinforcement as I continue through my daily journey, that the answers to many of life's questions can be found in those small factors.  When presented with an issue or problem, use precision in your plan by focusing on the details that can be the catalyst for solving your particular quandary.

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