Friday, October 26, 2012

There is a song that speaks about beauty and how you can manifest it in your life.  In the song, there is a line that says some simple words that have tremendous meaning.  "You deserve what you dream", it is part of the chorus of this melody and as I was listening to this a few days ago, it became a good reminder about the things that we all deserve.  Dreams can become reality if you work hard enough at it and never give up on them.  If you were to ask a singer who wants to make it in the music business, there are a myriad of stories about those musicians who keep pursuing their dream, even though they have been rejected many times in the process.  The difference for those that become successful versus those that do not, can be as varied as their journeys.  The level of passion about your dream is another element of the formula that can be the tipping point for the person who visualizes their success.  I am also reminded about the great Nelson Mandela of South Africa who suffered in a prison for twenty seven years, before becoming a free man and realizing his dream of helping dismantle apartheid in his country.  For the most part, dreams take some time and lots of effort to make them into reality.  The fortunate few who realize a dream in a very short amount of time are certainly the exception and not the rule.  My wish is that people never stop pursuing dreams and that new dreams are also part of their evolution.  Everyone deserves to see what they envision become true, which then keeps the hope alive for others that are beginning in their path to realizing what they seek to attain in the future.    

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